Wellness Facts: Why Fat Can Be Beneficial to Your Health

Wellness Facts: Why Fat Can Be Beneficial to Your Health
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Your body is your home; treat it with gentleness and feed it a balanced diet. Many people believe that a low-fat or no-fat diet will help them stay healthy, but fat is an essential part of a healthy diet. Here are the facts on why fat can be beneficial to your health; be good to your body!

Energy Storage

To keep you full and sustain your energy throughout the day, a reserve of fat will keep you going. A single gram of fat provides nine calories’ worth of energy, while a gram of protein or carbohydrates only provides four calories. Add healthy fats, like those in fish, nuts, and olive oil to your diet to ensure sustained energy all day long.

Vitamin Absorption

Vitamins A, D, and E are all fat-soluble; your body won’t absorb them without a little fat. Make monounsaturated fats a regular part of your diet; you can find them in peanut butter, avocados, and even that Wagyu beef from your last fancy dinner! With healthy fats on your plate, you’ll reap their many health benefits without raising your cholesterol.

Cushioning and Warmth

A healthy layer of fat provides a layer of protection against trauma. It’s basic shock absorption—if you fall or bump into something, the impact will hurt less if you’ve got that cushion of fat. And in the winter, you’ll be grateful for that layer keeping you warm.

Arterial Health

A diet high in saturated fats will increase the amount of LDLs (low-density lipoproteins, also known as “bad” cholesterol) in your system. However, if you stick with unsaturated fats, they’ll bring HDLs (high-density lipoproteins—the “good” cholesterol) into your body. Those HDLs help clear bad cholesterol from your arteries and carry it to your liver to clear it out of your system. Unsaturated fats can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease!

Next time you go to the grocery store, add some fatty options to your cart. When you know which fats are best for you, you do your body a great favor. Keep yourself warm, energetic, and full of vitamins by remembering why fat can be beneficial to your health and balancing your plate accordingly.

Written by Henry Johnson


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