5 Bedroom Design Tips To Promote Better Sleep

5 Bedroom Design Tips To Promote Better Sleep
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There’s nothing worse than not getting enough sleep and rolling out of bed in the morning like a zombie. A lack of sleep can do a number on your mental and physical health, turning you from an active, bubbly person into one that’s cranky and listless.

In some cases, something more serious and chronic causes a lack of sleep, such as stress or a sleep disorder. But often, the culprit is as simple as how you’ve laid your bedroom out. Your bedroom is your nighttime sanctuary. If you don’t design it to facilitate sleep, you could find yourself tossing and turning in bed. If you think your bedroom could be one proponent of your insomnia, here are five design tips to promote better, longer sleep.

Consider the Lighting

Do you need lighting ideas for your bedroom that brighten it when needed but are conducive for sleep later? Ideally, you want your bedroom to have dim, warm lights at night. Darkness stimulates the production of melatonin—the hormone that makes you feel sleepy—as do warm colors, like red. So, ideally, you should choose fixtures with dimmers and outfit them with yellow, orange, or red bulbs.

Stow Away Electronics

Speaking of lighting, you want to keep blue light far away from the bedroom. Blue light tricks the brain into thinking it’s daytime, which halts its production of melatonin. Most electronics emit blue-toned light, so you should remove them from your bedroom or see if they have eye comfort options to reduce exposure.

Choose Calming Colors

Blue light is bad, but the color blue isn’t. In fact, the color blue promotes feelings of serenity and stability, which promotes sleep. Consider giving your bedroom a makeover and decorating it with restful hues like blue, green, white, and pink.

Invest in a Good Mattress

It’s hard to sleep when you aren’t comfortable. If you’re using an old, low-quality mattress that gives you aches and pains, it could be time to invest in a newer, comfier pad for your bed. The ideal mattress is one that’s memory foam with medium or adjustable firmness. This type of mattress helps you maintain a comfortable temperature and sleeping position, and it also supports the healthy curvature of your spine to reduce back and neck pain.

Clear Out Clutter

Dirty, cluttered bedrooms can cause insomnia and worsen sleep quality. Why? Two reasons. For one, your brain has more to look at—and more to get distracted by—in a messy room. Additionally, an untidy room can overwhelm the senses, which also fires up the brain. An active mind has a much harder time falling asleep.

If your room could use a thorough cleaning, don’t procrastinate. Get it done, and you’ll receive a rejuvenating day’s end rest.

If you’re having trouble falling and staying asleep, try these five bedroom design tips that promote better, longer sleep, and see if they help. If not, consider visiting your doctor to discuss your sleeping issues.


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