Tips for Easing Into a New Workout Routine

Tips for Easing Into a New Workout Routine
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Whether you’re attempting a new exercise or are dipping your toes in the workout waters for the very first time, embarking on a new fitness journey can be quite daunting. Diving in headfirst may seem like the best way to get the ball rolling, but without proper preparations, your workout routine can easily fall flat. To create a sustainable fitness routine, it’s always better to ease in slowly. This allows you to become more comfortable with the new exercises over a slower, more manageable period. This guide explores three tips for easing into a new workout routine slowly and safely.

Find what feels comfortable

One of the best tips for easing into a new workout routine is to find what feels comfortable and works best for you. Start by selecting a workout that fits with your individual goals and needs. Then, conduct a bit of research to find a local fitness class, online tutorial, or personal trainer who can help you through the workout. You may not find this person on the first try, and that’s okay. Finding a trainer or online class that matches your personality and motivation style may take a bit of trial and error at first. Once you find such a person, however, you will likely find that your motivation and abilities will begin to soar. It’s also important that you feel comfortable with the workout itself. If, at first, you find that an exercise is a bit outside your wheelhouse, don’t be afraid to adapt it slightly to suit your specific needs and abilities.

Take a breather

It may seem a bit backward, but taking a break every once in a while can actually make it easier to stay on track with your fitness plan. Exercising every day without a break often seems like the best and quickest way to achieve your fitness goals. However, doing this can increase the rate of burnout and cause you to forgo your fitness plan entirely. Allowing for a rest day in your workout schedule will give you a moment to breathe and care for your body before your next workout session. Take this moment to assess your progress, care for sore muscles, and just breathe.

Focus on form

Focusing on your form is the best way to set yourself up for success when embarking on a new fitness journey. Stretching before and after your workout will put your body in the right place to exercise and decrease the likelihood of injury or soreness. During your first few sessions of a new workout, be sure to pay special attention to your form and posture. Ensuring proper posture from the get-go will create a more stable foundation upon which you can incorporate future exercises. Focusing on form early on ensures that your future workouts will always be safe and successful.


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