Anxiety Disorders and Common Treatment Options

Anxiety Disorders and Common Treatment Options
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Since many factors can cause anxiety, finding the proper treatment can be a struggle. The two primary forms of treatment are therapy and medication. Psychotherapy is often the first line of treatment to address the root causes of the anxiety. Then, medication is a supplement to help relieve some of the symptoms, like insomnia. Here are a few examples of anxiety disorders and common treatment options to explore for assistance.

Panic Disorder

When your daily life is affected by anxiety disorders and common treatment options don’t work, it might be tough to interact with people, be productive at work, or even relax enough to fall asleep at night. Sometimes panic disorders cause physical symptoms, such as heart palpitations, sweating, and trouble breathing. If you’ve ever had that experience, you know how terrible these anxiety attacks can be.

If taken daily, there is mediation that will lessen the severity of each occurrence. Along with cognitive behavioral therapy, it’s possible to calm your attacks on your own by recognizing the trigger and reacting positively.

Generalized Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders affect millions of people in the United States each year. As a group, they are the most common mental illness in the US and can be overwhelming at times.

Generalized anxiety disorders make you feel worried or tense when there is no apparent trigger. Your thoughts will take you from one worry to another, leading to restlessness and difficulty concentrating. Stress, genetics, or even your brain chemistry can cause anxiety disorders.

If you feel anxious or worried, there are various ways to relieve your stress and anxiety. The first is by getting sufficient rest and exercise. Although this might seem contradictory, it has a calming effect on the mind and body due to the release of endorphins and other hormones. Exercising regularly also helps the brain learn pathways of thought and thinking patterns that may otherwise trigger anxiety. People who suffer from these types of disorders can benefit from therapy as well.


If exposure to a certain thing causes intense fear or avoidance, you may have a phobia. People toss this term around a lot, which leads to misunderstanding. Phobias, including common ones such as animals, flying, heights, or blood, can be so intense that they affect your life. You may spend your time actively avoiding the trigger or be unable to function altogether because of it.

No single cure for phobias exists, but there are many treatment options available that can help you live a fulfilling life. The treatment that works for one person may not work for another, and a therapist should personalize your treatment to your specific needs.

Final Thoughts

Talking with professional counselors who specialize in treating anxiety disorders is helpful. They will not only treat these issues but also teach you how to manage stress levels on your own and develop methods for coping with your fears without feeling overwhelmed.

If left untreated, these can turn into other life-threatening situations, such as eating disorders. Medication might be necessary when psychotherapy alone is not effective in relieving your anxiety symptoms. The type of medication used depends on the person’s medical history, and individual responses to medications will vary.

Written by Henry Johnson


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