Beginner’s Guide: 5 Steps To Help You Become a Runner

Beginner’s Guide: 5 Steps To Help You Become a Runner
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Running is a fantastic way to increase physical activity, thus positively impacting your overall health and well-being. However, people either love running or hate it.

Here’s the beginner’s guide of five steps to help you become a runner. Read on to learn how to start a new hobby, move at your own pace, and stay on track with your progress.

You Have To Crawl Before You Can Walk (or Run)

Becoming a runner entails more than standing up and bolting down the road or nearest trail. While you can certainly do so, using this method to introduce yourself to the running world may result in aching muscles and disappointment.

Instead, you want to prioritize your well-being when trying a new hobby, so it would help to start small. Consider taking fast-paced walks outside or on a treadmill to familiarize yourself with this kind of movement.

Afterward, you can increase the intensity until you reach a comfortable running speed and feel ready for a new challenge.

Use Your Breath To Determine Your Pace

While it’s easy to associate running with speed, it’s worth noting that how fast you can run isn’t everything. After building up your velocity, you want to determine your pace. Most new runners begin at an unsustainable pace, resulting in a quick burnout.

To determine a suitable tempo, use the “talk test” and maintain a cadence where you can sing or converse. Slow down the pace if you notice difficulty breathing, or pick things up if you can belt out the notes to your favorite jam.

Avoid Running Daily

While repetition is essential when it comes to fitness, it’s worth noting that running places stress on your bones, muscles, joints, and ligaments. This stress forces them to grow stronger and more efficiently for each consecutive run; however, it’s possible to pass your threshold.

Given its high-impact movement, running every day can increase your risk of injury. Incorporate rest days to give your body a chance to recover.

Prioritize Minutes Over Miles

Measuring in time instead of mileage can make the activity less intimidating. For example, instead of saying you’ll run three miles, plan for a 30-minute jog, regardless of the distance.

Doing so gives yourself wiggle room on days when you’re not feeling your best or just want to keep a slower pace.

Safety Over Everything

While you’ll want to keep your eyes on your progress, your safety and well-being are the main priority. If you plan to increase your pace or distance, do so safely to avoid injury.

For instance, increase mileage every other week or add five minutes to your distance run. If you’re not ready to hit the trails, running on a treadmill is a viable alternative that can still provide fantastic health benefits.

Running isn’t the easiest feat in the world, but it isn’t impossible. These five steps can help you become a runner and build a tolerance that’ll take you the distance.


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