It’s so important to keep an extra keen eye on your health when you’re pregnant. Exercises, diet, they all affect your own and your baby’s health. In a way, you’re caring for your special little one even before they’re born.
It’s also a good idea to keep these good habits past pregnancy.
All in all, then, these books are invaluable for yourself and for your baby. Maybe they’ll thank you in 17 years’ time!
Table of Contents
#1 Be Fruitful by MD Victoria Maizes
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Recommended by Ceppie Merry from HealthyButSmart. Find out more about the book Be Fruitful by MD Victoria Maizes by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
I am a medical doctor (medical degree & PhD Trinity College Dublin) and did a fellowship in infectious diseases at Northwestern Chicago. I simply have to recommend a great book by a mentor of mine, Dr Victoria Maizes. She is an integrative health physician and offers evidence based advice on how to have a natural, healthy pregnancy. This is definitely my very favorite book on the subject.
#2 The Pregnancy Countdown Book
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Recommended by Kelsey Duran from BabySensei. Find out more about the book The Pregnancy Countdown Book by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
While pregnant I was not into reading any and every pregnancy book. I find all the information to be overwhelming at times so I had the attitude of less is more. With that being said I thought this book provided just the right amount of fun information for me to keep reading. It is divided into days and weeks. I would read it every week to see what was going on and what to expect. I loved the real advice from other moms in a manageable amount and format.
#3 Real Food for Pregnancy by Lily Nichols
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Recommended by Erica Julson from Functional Nutrition Answers. Find out more about the book Real Food for Pregnancy by Lily Nichols by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
This book is a game changer. Registered Dietitian Lily Nichols dissects current nutrition recommendations for pregnancy and evaluates whether the research currently supports them. She also promotes a nutrient-dense way of eating for optimal pregnancy and includes hundreds of references to back up her points. It’s a must-read for any woman preparing for pregnancy or childbirth!
#4 Your Best Pregnancy Ever by Jen Torborg
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Recommended by Kristen Digwood from Elite Spine and Sports PT. Find out more about the book Your Best Pregnancy Ever by Jen Torborg by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
This is a quick and easy read that gives pregnant women the best return of investment of time. Many women aren’t aware of the simple but effective things they can do to give them the best pregnancy, delivery, and recovery. This book covers some of the concepts we work on in physical therapy during and after delivery, empowering women to take control of their bodies from pregnancy to post-delivery recovery.
#5 The Science of Yoga by Sri Joydip
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Recommended by Sri Joydip from Sri Joydip Ashram. Find out more about the book The Science of Yoga by Sri Joydip by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
The Science of Yoga’ connects the ancient knowledge of Yoga, having holistic and personality based approach, with modern medical approaches of symptoms and evidence based reductionist approach, and shows a new perspective of health, which can be useful dealing with health condition during pregnancy and childbirth.
#6 Seven Yoga Habbits that can Transform your Life by Sri Joydip
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Recommended by Sri Joydip from Sri Joydip Ashram. Find out more about the book Seven Yoga Habbits that can Transform your Life by Sri Joydip by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
To me a feminist book is one that empowers a woman. Seven Yoga Habit that can Transform your Life guides women on the journey to develop yoga habits, and take her yoga practice in a new level, where she can live with compassion and gratitude, to find the true source of her love inside her, and make it flow it in her life to transform her life.
#7 The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth
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Recommended by Adina Mahalli from EnlightenedReality. Find out more about the book The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
This book is all about natural pregnancy and parenting tips. It shows you how to look at pregnancy from a natural perspective rather than a medicinal one. It includes tips for getting nutrients from foods and how to ease annoying symptoms using natural remedies.
#8 The Hypnobirthing Book and Complete Prenatal Preparation MP3 The Inspirational Guide for a Calm, Confident Birth
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Recommended by Paula Lavandeira from The Nurtured Munchkin. Find out more about the book The Hypnobirthing Book and Complete Prenatal Preparation MP3 The Inspirational Guide for a Calm, Confident Birth by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
This book is really simple to read and explain very clearly how the body works and why it is important to understand the process of birth to avoid unnecessary interventions that can delay or totally stop labour. This book is full of techniques and tools to use during pregnancy and labour, regardless the type of birth you are having, and this is the beauty of it! Everybody can use hypnobirthing, from someone who never heard of it before to someone who already use meditations or other sort of hypnosis. This book is based on the latest evidence based information and will make any pregnant woman and partners more relaxed, confident and empowered. It is not about the type of delivery you have, it is about how you experiences it! I teach this method and it is 100% effective. I did have an amazing calm and positive birth experience myself.
#9 Eat yourself pregnant by Zita West
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Recommended by Paula Lavandeira from The Nurtured Munchkin. Find out more about the book Eat yourself pregnant by Zita West by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
For any woman who is planning to get pregnant, this book is a must. It explain how the female and male bodies need to prepare for conception in order to increase their chances to get pregnant. It is very simple to follow and very clear on the list of nutrients that men and women need to increase their fertility in a very natural and positive way, even before any medical intervention is required. Zita West is known as the “Fertility guru” and has treated well known clients like Gwyneth Paltrow and Kate Winslet. Understanding what your body needs will help future mums to stay focus and look after themselves rather than get stress about not getting pregnant straight away.
#10 Pregnancy the Natural Way by Zita West
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Recommended by Paula Lavandeira from The Nurtured Munchkin. Find out more about the book Pregnancy the Natural Way by Zita West by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
For those mums-to-be that would like a more natural approach to pregnancy and birth this is the right book. Written in 2001 still works its magic because our bodies haven’t changed and all the techniques offered in this books will do the work. The best part is that it is structured by trimesters so it is more useful and easier to navigate. In this book you will find natural remedies and complementary treatments for the most common symptoms in pregnancy like nauseas, vomiting, back pains…
Also it explains step by step the growth development of your baby making pregnancy more enjoyable and calm. Knowing that the changes in your body in each step of the pregnancy are normal but most importantly that you have natural ways to fix them and follow a plan, will make your journey a happy experience. I recommend everyday at least one of the key tips described in this book to my clients.
#11 Men, Love & Birth by Mark Harris
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Recommended by Paula Lavandeira from The Nurtured Munchkin. Find out more about the book Men, Love & Birth by Mark Harris by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
Once a couple announce they are pregnant all the attention goes to the mother-to-be. Fathers are mostly left out for the rest of the pregnancy and this can cause stress and insecurities in them. Mark Harris is a male midwife that has put in this book all his experience working with couples and giving a better understanding of the role of the birth partners. In this book he explains the importance of keeping a good balance of the hormones that will help labour to progress, how the father can help and support mum during pregnancy and birth. This book is very easy to read and understand. This book is a must, if you want to get involved in the process and bond with your baby. This book shows you the best way to start a family life and adapt to all the new changes with confidence and love. I recommend this book to all the dads in my antenatal classes.
#12 The Baby Reflux Lady’s Survival Guide by Aine Homer
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Recommended by Paula Lavandeira from The Nurtured Munchkin. Find out more about the book The Baby Reflux Lady’s Survival Guide by Aine Homer by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
Aine Homer is a mum who suffered for months and months seeing her little baby being in pain, crying, unsettled, and unable to sleep or eat properly. She felt the conventional drugs were not helping her baby so she decided to take control of the situation. She documented every single food her baby would eat and recorded the symptoms. With time she managed to determine which food made her baby sick and which ones were ok. Now she has the formula and is able to help other parents of infants with colic, reflux, silent reflux, food allergies… She is the best in this field in the UK and has helped hundreds of babies and families. A baby that constantly cries it is not normal. A baby that never settles it is not normal. A baby that cannot eat and vomits all the time, it is not normal. If you think your baby is suffering from any of this symptoms please, read this book. The problem can be solve within 2 weeks!.
#13 YogaBellies for Pregnancy by Cheryl MacDonald
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Recommended by Paula Lavandeira from The Nurtured Munchkin. Find out more about the book YogaBellies for Pregnancy by Cheryl MacDonald by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
This book not only contains the exercises and poses of yoga but also full of nutritious recipes for each stage of pregnancy and postpartum. This book is very easy to follow even if you are new to yoga. It is been shown in numerous studies that activities like yoga are very beneficial and safe during pregnancy, for both mum and baby. During pregnancy women bodies go through a lot of changes and one of them is the posture. By practising yoga your spine is more aligned and the common backaches in pregnancy get reduced. Baby also benefits from yoga, as mum relaxed the baby relaxed too.
Also mum’s hips are aligned making it simple for the baby to adopt an optimal position for birth and go through the birth canal with ease. The breathing techniques in this book are very useful for the active stage of labour. In my years as a midwife I have noticed that mums who practised yoga during pregnancy tend to have a easier childbirth and more positive birth experience. If you are looking for a book to help you to be healthier and positive during pregnancy, birth and postpartum, this is the book.
#14 Raising Confident Parents by Patricia Porrey
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Recommended by Meagan Vogt from pNeo LLC. Find out more about the book Raising Confident Parents by Patricia Porrey by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
Expecting and caring for your newborn should be one of the happiest times in your life, but it can also be the most stressful. Our book, helps you unravel the mysteries and answer the questions you may not even know to ask. Parenthood can seem scary, but with Raising Confident Parents, you can build your confidence and learn to enjoy this amazing time in your life. Let’s face it, new parents do not have the time to read a 300-page book to find advice on what to do about sore boobs, how to treat hemorrhoids, or how to help your baby sleep through the night. We give you proven parenting tips in short, easy-to-read pages and in a language, you can understand.