4 Ways To Build Confidence and Self-Esteem

4 Ways To Build Confidence and Self-Esteem
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Many women struggle with their confidence and self-esteem. In a world where social media makes comparison easy, loving who you are can feel harder than ever. Luckily, you can build your confidence and self-esteem no matter what point you’re starting from. Today, we’ll look at four ways to build confidence and self-esteem.

Read Empowering Self-Help Books

Reading is a great way to learn more about yourself and build confidence. There are many personal development books that will change your life. However, the most helpful books for building confidence will those that help you feel more comfortable embracing who you are and going for the things you want.

Use Positive Affirmations

Your inner critic is your worst enemy when it comes to good self-esteem and high confidence. Whenever you notice yourself speaking negatively to yourself or when you need an extra boost of confidence, try repeating positive affirmations to yourself. Some examples of affirmations you could say are:

  • I can do this.
  • I am strong.
  • I deserve this new job.

Practice Self-Care

Stress can have a profoundly negative impact on your self-esteem and confidence. Conversely, taking care of yourself is a great way to show that you feel you are worth caring for, building your self-esteem. Find ways to work self-care into your routine, such as taking a walk each morning or having an hour to yourself to take a bath. Remember, self-care can also mean taking care of yourself by eating well, sleeping eight hours a night, and visiting the dentist every six months.

Celebrate Your Successes

Getting out of your comfort zone is a great way to build your confidence, as it will show you how much you’re capable of. Celebrating these and more mundane moments of success will help you see yourself positively and encourage you to keep working for the things you want. When you get a new job, try something that scares you, or have another success, take time to reflect on it and celebrate your accomplishment.

Improving your self-esteem can feel difficult, but with these four ways to build confidence and self-esteem, you’ll be on your way to becoming the woman you want to be. In a few months, you may be shocked at how different you feel!


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