Common Health Concerns During Quarantine

Common Health Concerns During Quarantine
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If you’ve made your home your safe space during the pandemic, you are protecting your health on one end. But don’t neglect the rest of your well-being just because you’re free of infectious disease! As you stay safe at home, keep in mind these common health concerns during quarantine and take care of your whole body and mind.

Vitamin Deficiencies

Even if your area is no longer locked down, venturing outside can induce some anxiety. But if you’re not getting regular fresh air and sunlight, your body can take a beating. Vitamin D is the most commonly deficient nutrient, and it’s vital to your bone and muscle health. If you feel sluggish and experience constant body aches, get your vitamin levels tested and start taking supplements if necessary.

Worsening Existing Conditions

The social and emotional toll of distancing and isolation creeps into any existing medical conditions you may have. Stress lowers your immune response, so not only is your likelihood of picking up germs at the grocery store higher, but your general well-being takes a dip. This includes existing psychological conditions; if you are at risk for developing paranoid thoughts or agoraphobic tendencies, quarantining will highlight them.

Touch Starvation

Touch starvation is real. Touch is an extremely important part of a child’s development and a key component of general well-being as you grow up. When you don’t get enough hugs, shoulder pats, or high-fives in the day, your cortisol levels spike. Cortisol, commonly known as the stress hormone, can lead to high blood pressure, lowered immune responses, and sleep deprivation at elevated levels.


Quarantine and isolation already wreak havoc on existing psychological conditions. But if you didn’t have any symptoms of depression or anxiety before the pandemic, you may be experiencing them for the first time now. Outside factors—like job insecurity and money woes—play a part; our bodies and minds can’t withstand consistently high levels of stress. And as mentioned above, the real and tangible need to distance ourselves can encourage agoraphobic tendencies.

Continue to practice self-care and be mindful of the rest of your body as you follow distancing and quarantining guidelines. Think of your health holistically! If you let stress and existing conditions clutter your mind, your immune system won’t be in top condition. Don’t be afraid of these common health concerns during quarantine; use them as a reminder to care for yourself within the home.


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