Experts Tell Us the Best Relationship Advice Books For Women In Their 20s

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This article showcases our top picks for the Best Relationship Advice Books For Women In Their 20s. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below). We are keen to hear your feedback on all of our content and our comment section is a moderated space to express your thoughts and feelings related (or not) to this article This list is in no particular order.

Table of Contents

20-Something, 20-Everything by Christine Hassler

This product was recommended by Katie Dames from Feely Feelings

In this book, Hassler seeks to normalize the difficult time period of young adulthood in a woman’s life. She tells stories of dating, family, and careers, giving readers some clarity into their own lives and how these topics affect them. This book provides readers with practical exercises in order to help them map out a new direction for their lives, which is a great way to approach dating in your 20’s.

Women Who Love Too Much by Robin Norwood

This product was recommended by Claire Barber from Treeological

This book is well written and includes real and concrete ways for self-help in our relationships. Uncovering issues including addiction to love, lust, and basic need for attention, women gain an insight into some much-need advice from this #1 New York Times bestseller.

The Selfish Path to Romance by Edwin Locke

This product was recommended by Ellen Kenner from SelfishRomance

This Doctors’ serious romance guidebook covers almost every aspect about romantic relationships.

Bad Advice by Venus Nicolino

This product was recommended by Dana Lewis from Valerie Allen Public Relations

For anyone fed up with the shrink-wrapped BS that passes for self-help these days, Bad Advice offers a fiercely smart wake-up call from relationship expert and larger-than-life TV personality, Dr. V. Tackle some of self-help’s most damaging truisms and unpack strategies for real transformation with this fiercely smart and never shy guide to tapping into your full potential. Bad Advice landed #1 on LA Times Best-Sellers List, was named Top 50 National Best-Sellers by USA Today and was included on New York Posts’ Top 5 Books to Change Your Life. Order your copy today!

The 5 Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman

This product was recommended by Stephania Cruz from DatingPilot

This book is a must-read for anyone in a relationship as it unfolds how people show and feel love in different ways. Often, couples struggle with feeling loved in their relationship because their partner demonstrates love in a manner that is unique to them. However, if the couple learns that they each have a certain way that makes them feel loved, they can learn their spouses’ “love language” and begin cultivating their relationship.

How We Love by Milan

This product was recommended by Stephania Cruz from DatingPilot

Although this book is targeted to married couples, this is a great read for anyone who is in a relationship as it does a wonderful job of explaining how our early life experiences create an “intimacy imprint”. This “intimacy imprint” is what drives our behavior, beliefs, and sets the expectations of our relationships. This “intimacy imprint” is also responsible for relationships getting stuck in a repeating pattern that is often detrimental to the relationship.

Things I Wish I’d Known Before We Got Married, by Dr. Gary Chapman

This product was recommended by Stephania Cruz from DatingPilot

This book is more for people who are getting ready to take their relationship to the next level, as it addresses common problems that people face after they get married. However, anyone can also read this, even if they are not engaged as it can help them prepare and have the right mindset for when they meet “the one”. The insight provided in this book is very helpful for newly engaged couples as it helps paint a realistic picture of what marriage will look like after they say “I do”.

The Single Christian Woman’s Guide by Russelyn L. Williams

This product was recommended by Russelyn Williams from Russelynwilliams

The Single Christian woman’s guide shares great relationship advicefor women in their 20s. It encourages single women to learn who they are andout of that to begin to set healthy boundaries for oneself relating to dating.Vices that singles often deal with are discussed in the book and ideas of whatcan be done to enjoy singleness while waiting for the right beau. Standards areencouraged to be met and not dropped when based on core values. Finally,self-acceptance among other great advice is encouraged relating to the singleand relationship life.

Dr. Romance’s Guide to Finding Love Today by Tina B. Tessina PhD

This product was recommended by Tina B. Tessina from TinaTessina

Helps young women find a partner in ways that are successful, fun and safe.

How to Be Happy Partners by Tina B Tessina PhD

This product was recommended by Tina B. Tessina from TinaTessina

Helps young women create good partnerships and learn to solve problems successfully with their partners

The 5 Step Action Plan to a Happy & Healthy Marriage by Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin

This product was recommended by Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin from The Marriage Restoration Project

The 5 Step Action Plan to a Happy & Healthy Marriage by Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin, M.S., LCPC is a highly actionable book that is simple in it’s depiction of marriage and conflict in marriage with concise steps that a couple needs to take to create a happy & healthy marriage.


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