The Most Common Causes of Shoulder Problems

The Most Common Causes of Shoulder Problems
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If you have moments in which shoulder pain comes out of nowhere, or if it has never gone away after an accident, there’s a chance of worse, underlying problems at play here. Take it from us: see your doctor and inquire about the most common causes of shoulder problems that could be the reason you’re experiencing shoulder pain.

Dislocated Shoulder

You could have dislocated your arm due to rotating it too far or pulling it back too hard. This causes the limb to pop out of the socket, resulting in numbness, bruises, and even swelling, which is the first sign of a dislocated shoulder.


Bursitis is a condition caused by repetitive motions. A gland in the shoulder called the bursa fills with fluid, causing immense shoulder pain. Bursitis can also develop in patients who experience falls or other injuries. The most common symptom of bursitis is pain when one moves their shoulder.

Heart Attack

Sometimes, shoulder pain isn’t linked to an injury; it can also signify an impending heart attack. Other symptoms of a potential heart attack include difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest, and the left arm going numb. If your shoulder feels tight or painful for a prolonged time, reach out for emergency medical help.

Bone Spurs

Bone spurs are among the most common causes of shoulder problems. Leading causes of inflamed rotator cuffs, bones spurs are smoothed bones that rub on the rotator cuff and cause wear on the joint. The shoulder then loses the ability to move the way it normally would. After diagnosis, your doctor will likely recommend daily exercises to improve mobility and strength in your shoulder.

Taking care of your health can be a difficult responsibility. However, when speaking with your doctor about your shoulder pain, take the time to ask about different ways to improve your shoulder pain and even soreness in other parts of your body. They should be able to recommend practical pain management skills you can continue to develop over time. It’s essential to make these pain management techniques a part of your daily routine to improve your quality of life.


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