It’s so difficult to find something when you don’t know what you’re looking for. But it’s a real relief to know that so many other women are going through the same thing at the same time as you.
Some women got through it, and have became amazing educators on this topic. Try one out of these books!
Table of Contents
#1 Glambition: Knocking Down Walls In Heels by Dee Rivera
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Recommended by Jackie Murphy from WhiteGatePR. Find out more about the book Glambition: Knocking Down Walls In Heels by Dee Rivera by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
“For all the ambitious females who have GLAMBITION, #KnockingDownWallsInHeels is for you!
I learned to shrink-to-fit in life in my 20’s.
I had a passion and a talent for life and career, and I was kicking ass. Thing was, since I was surrounded by #trolls and haters who wanted what I had and who I was.
I started believing what others thought. Looking back, I wish I could have just said to myself, I am awesome and shrugged it off and dismiss it, but I’d wanted to be liked.
What we pretend to be, we have a way of becoming. By acting uncertain, insecure and self-doubting I became exactly those things, and I carried them into adulthood until my ah hah moment.
Don’t just gravitate to the celebrated lie of the princess culture, the so-called eligible bachelors, who are revered and tough-minded and work all the time and may or may not be capable of empathy, who offer a lifestyle, but not necessarily a real relationship.
I hope that, through my experience, you can feed your Glambition and decide to love your life, love yourself and empower your dreams to become a reality.”
#2 Stutterer Interrupted: The Comedian Who Almost Didn’t Happen by Nina G
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Recommended by Nina G from NinaGcomedian. Find out more about the book Stutterer Interrupted: The Comedian Who Almost Didn’t Happen by Nina G by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
“Nina G bills herself as “The San Francisco Bay Area’s Only Female Stuttering Comedian.” On stage, she encounters the occasional heckler, but off stage she is often confronted with people’s comments toward her stuttering; listeners completing her sentences, inquiring, “Did you forget your name?” and giving unwanted advice like “slow down and breathe” are common. (As if she never thought about slowing down and breathing in her over thirty years of stuttering!)
When Nina started comedy nearly ten years ago, she was the only woman in the world of stand-up who stuttered – not a surprise, since men outnumber women four to one amongst those who stutter and comedy is a male-dominated profession. Nina’s brand of comedy reflects the experience of many people with disabilities in that the problem with disability isn’t in the person with it but in a society that isn’t always accessible or inclusive.”
#3 HOW TO WRITE YOUR BOOK: From an Idea to Your Published Story by F Barish-Stern
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Recommended by Francine Bray from Golden Quill Press. Find out more about the book HOW TO WRITE YOUR BOOK: From an Idea to Your Published Story by F Barish-Stern by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
“Writing Is Fun, Therapeutic and a Great Way to Get Inside Yourself! Writing can be the first step in revealing your purpose. Thoughts held deep inside, reveal a great deal when put on paper. Whether for journaling or reliving events, good or bad, writing gives clarity and has a way of lifting deep thoughts and inscribing them on the paper; so you can get a clear direction that will lead to discovering your purpose.
Most people enjoy writing and in this day and age of technology, it has never been easier to write. even publish and sell stories and/or books.
To make your journey to unlocking your purpose easier, let HOW TO WRITE YOUR BOOK, From an Idea to Your Published Story, help you find your way!
Written as a road trip, to get anyone from an idea to a finished story, the fun part comes in when our 3 Wise Guides, the writer, editor, and publisher give their quips, advice and guidance to get help anyone unlock their own words. In 12 Chapters these characters are constantly alerting the writer to ways to accomplish their objective. This step-by-step, interactive journey will provide review maps that shows how the techniques in each chapter can be used by anyone who wants to write.
Writing is one of the great methods we have to help us unravel what’s in our heads and hearts, and best of all, it can be done anywhere, anytime and doesn’t care how old or young the writer is. And if you happen to start and finish and wind up with a book, with the internet and social media there are so many places to utilize good writing, that learning this craft can become the purpose you didn’t even know you had! READ It Now and succeed for a lifetime!”
#4 Reasons to Live One More Day, Every Day by Jas Rawlinson
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Recommended by Jas Rawlinson from JasmineRawlinson. Find out more about the book Reasons to Live One More Day, Every Day by Jas Rawlinson by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
If you love real-life, inspirational and relatable stories from people who’ve found a way to create purpose and passion from their past adversities, this is a must-read book. With 10 lived-experience stories covering a range of social issues, Reasons to Live is full of inspiring stories from both high profile and lesser-known individuals who have found their life purpose.
#5 Life Beginning by Rachel Hamm
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Recommended by Evan Money from Evan Money inc.. Find out more about the book Life Beginning by Rachel Hamm by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
Rachel shares her incredible journey to find emotional prosperity, authentic spirituality, and she will show you how to live life to the full. – Evan Money HappilyEverAfter.Today
#6 Rock YOUR Red Carpet: Win Big On The Stage Of Life
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Recommended by Michelle Moore Winder from Rock YOUR Red Carpet. Find out more about the book Rock YOUR Red Carpet: Win Big On The Stage Of Life by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
As the author of the new book, Rock YOUR Red Carpet and as an expert in living the life you were born for, I’m passionate about Women living their Passion & Purpose. I’ve dedicated the past 22 years of my life to help Women Find, Follow & Fund their Purpose. Within the chapters you’ll find a treasure addressing all the surrounding issues I’ve discovered while working with women all over the world. The book is a Blueprint: a practical, step by step guide, This simple blueprint shows you how to live your purpose and includes: health, mindset, finances and relationships. I hope you enjoy the book!
#7 Straight Up From the Teacup by Toni Dupree
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Recommended by Tracy Lamourie from Lamourie Public Relations. Find out more about the book Straight Up From the Teacup by Toni Dupree by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
Toni Tells It Like It Is!In Straight Up From the Tea Cup, Author Toni Dupree prompts you to take a closer look inside yourself to get to the Tea of the Matter. If you desire to have great things come your way, being able to recognize greatness begins with YOU. Toni speaks to THAT person; the GREAT person that may be resting in a dormant state just waiting for you to rise out of mediocrity.As you read, questions may arise such as: What makes me interesting to others?What am I doing that attracts a particular type of person?Why don’t I feel good about a specific situation?That type of self-reflection is a key element as it relates to the purpose of Straight Up From the Tea Cup. Toni lays it all on the line, all in an effort to IGNITE the FIYA in you to begin a dialogue with yourself that will evoke a deeper understanding of, well…YOURSELF!Toni Tells It Like It Is…and YOU can, too!
#8 50 After 50: Reframing the Next Chapter of Your Life by Maria Leonard Olsen
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Recommended by Maria Olsen from Maria Leonard Olsen. Find out more about the book 50 After 50: Reframing the Next Chapter of Your Life by Maria Leonard Olsen by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
At age 50, Maria Leonard Olsen drank her way out of her 25-year marriage. She had, against advice, put all her eggs in the motherhood basket, will-fully derailing her successful law career. As teenagers, her precious children did not need her in the hands-on way they previously had. Her husband and she had grown apart because, among other things, they failed to nurture that important relationship. She was depressed and stuck. When she turned 50, she had the distinct feeling that she was on the downward slope of her life. Actuarially speaking, she was.
So when she turned 50, her gift to herself was to go on a crusade to make the most of whatever time she had left.. She set out to do 50 new things that were significant, at least to her. The list spanned physical challenges, adventure travel, and lifestyle changes. Each taught her something about herself and about how she wanted to lead the next years of her life to come. This work follows the work she did to overcome addiction and trauma to accomplish those 50 new things and shows readers how to make their own action lists – whether it be joining a knitting club or hiking the Himalayas, every item has significance for each individual and speaks to her needs and desires. The list is the match to spark the fire that will light the years after 50.
Readers will hear about Maria’s adventures and the rewards of each. Accomplishing new things, learning new skills, deepening personal and spiritual relationships, and seeking out challenges will add the spice to a life that may feel repetitive, insignificant, inauthentic, or just plain boring.
#9 Emotions Of The Mind: Breaking The Cycle by Tamela Todd
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Recommended by Tamela C. Todd from TamelaTodd. Find out more about the book Emotions Of The Mind: Breaking The Cycle by Tamela Todd by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
I am a Mental Health Advocate and Author of “Emotions of The Mind” serves as a guide on how to thrive despite the trauma. It will also empower readers and raise awareness about the impact of mental and emotional health issues. The transparency of my journey will inspire readers to evaluate their own mental and emotional health.
#10 Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear
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Recommended by Brandi Larsen from Brandi Larsen and Friends, LLC. Find out more about the book Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
Author Elizabeth Gilbert describes creativity as a butterfly kiss — if you are ready for an idea, you can breathe it into life; if not, it will flutter away to someone who can nourish it. This beautiful read helps women understand how to hear the voice inside calling to who you are meant to be.
#11 The Artist’s Way: 25th Anniversary Edition by Julia Cameron
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Recommended by Brandi Larsen from Brandi Larsen and Friends, LLC. Find out more about the book The Artist’s Way: 25th Anniversary Edition by Julia Cameron by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
Not to oversell it, but this workbook can change your life. Julia Cameron’s approach gives you the framework to understand what is holding you back, the exercises to confront the fears, and the space to speak (and go after) your dreams.
#12 Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
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Recommended by Brandi Larsen from Brandi Larsen and Friends, LLC. Find out more about the book Daring Greatly by Brene Brown by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
Get comfortable in the uncomfortable. Brene Brown shares that embracing vulnerability is the piece needed to unlock your full potential — her guidance and vulnerability on the page makes this a worthy read.
#13 When All Balls Drop by Heidi Siefkas
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Recommended by Heidi Siefkas from HeidiSiefkas. Find out more about the book When All Balls Drop by Heidi Siefkas by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
I would suggest it because it inspires others to triumph against odds and tap into the power of perspective. It is a powerful story of Post-Traumatic Growth (PTG). You can not only survive but thrive. Here’s to looking up!
#14 Depression Hates a Moving Target by Nita Sweeney
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Recommended by Amy Eisenback from Go Buckeye Fans. Find out more about the book Depression Hates a Moving Target by Nita Sweeney by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
At 49 years of age, grief-stricken, chronically depressed Nita Sweeney takes up running with her dog in an attempt to find a way out of the darkness. Her memoir of pounding the roads with her canine companion will entertain and motivate any reader who has ever fallen into deep despair. Whether or not readers want to follow in her footsteps, they will enjoy reading about her journey.
#15 Save Me the Plums: My Gourmet Memoir by Ruth Reichl
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Recommended by Vivian Young from Good Night’s Rest. Find out more about the book Save Me the Plums: My Gourmet Memoir by Ruth Reichl by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
Who is Ruth Reichl? She is the grand doyenne of the food world! Her resume is impeccable – restaurant critic of both the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times, editor in chief of Gourmet Magazine, restaurateur, television producer, author and a great cook! Save Me the Plums is the story of Reichl’s tenure at Gourmet Magazine, a behind the scenes look at this heavyweight publication of the culinary publishing world. Her words inspire. Imagine her eight-year-old self pouring over issues of Gourmet. Now fast forward to 1999 as she lands her dream job! Reichl took her passion for food and made her mark in the culinary world. And bonus alert – included are her recipes for Spicy Chinese Noodles and Thanksgiving Turkey Chili!
#16 The Ten Smartest Decisions a Woman Can Make After Forty by Tina B. Tessina
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Recommended by Tina B. Tessina from TinaTessina. Find out more about the book The Ten Smartest Decisions a Woman Can Make After Forty by Tina B. Tessina by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
The longtime psychotherapist and bestselling author of The 10 Smartest Decisions a Woman Can Make Before 40 now turns her attention to the special challenges and opportunities available to women over forty. In mid-life, many women find themselves in new circumstances. Women with grown children discover more free time or consider returning to school, or a new career. Movers and shakers may want to consider the possibility of setting up their own businesses. Women of all sorts will find themselves thrust into the role of caretakers to their parents and grandparents. This practical and effective book helps them map their options and outline their strategies for taking complete control of their lives.
#17 The 10 Smartest Decisions a Woman Can Make Before 40 by Tina B. Tessina
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Recommended by Tina B. Tessina from TinaTessina. Find out more about the book The 10 Smartest Decisions a Woman Can Make Before 40 by Tina B. Tessina by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
This no nonsense guide shows women how to stop being led by life, and to create the futures they want for themselves by making more successful choices. Readers will follow the lives of eight diverse women who learn-and live-The 10 Smartest Decisions that every woman can make to improve her personal, professional and financial situation. A series of practical exercises guides women through implementing priorities, maintain motivation, and acquire the skills they need to fulfill their promise.
#18 Searching for God in the Garbage by Bracha Goetz
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Recommended by Bracha Goetz from Bracha’s Books. Find out more about the book Searching for God in the Garbage by Bracha Goetz by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
Experience what goes on inside the mind of a Harvard grad who broke the habits that were imprisoning her in this raw, candid, and fascinating memoir about overcoming food addictions. Learn how to fill the inner emptiness by discovering your purpose in life – and nourishing your uniquely beautiful soul.
#19 Find Your FIERCE: Answering Your Soul’s Call to Purpose, Power & Profit
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Recommended by Nicole Roberts Jones from FindYourFierceBook. Find out more about the book Find Your FIERCE: Answering Your Soul’s Call to Purpose, Power & Profit by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
“There has never been and will never be anyone just like you and the world NEEDS what is unique about you. In Finding Your Fierce, Nicole Roberts Jones reveals how to discover and fully utilize your gifts in a way that will help you serve the world and make a profit in the process.
In her game-changing book Nicole walks you through how to get clear on how to align your purpose with writing your own paycheck as she walks you through;
How your DNA (Distinct Natural Ability) placed you here on assignment and as the very answer that a group of people need and will pay for.
How to package your expertise and life experiences into all the ways that you were born to serve the world (i.e. all the ways it will help others move their life or business forward)
Understanding exactly who needs you gifts and the steps to make a difference for that target group of the population and make substantial money = multiple steams of income while you do it.
This game-changing book is a call to action for any women ready to unapologetically go all-in. Stop holding back, answer the call –Â the rumble in your belly – that has been telling you that you are here for something greater.
The time is now to be the answer. Throughout the pages of this book, Nicole addresses the key ingredients you need to stand in your FIERCE – what the industry calls your purpose â and the drive it will take to forge ahead and make the profit you desire. Nicole challenges you to release anything that’s holding you back so that you can walk boldly into the full abundant life awaiting you. It’s time to expose the brilliance within you and shine.”
#20 Chasing the Bright Side by Jess Ekstrom
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Recommended by Jess from Headbands of Hope. Find out more about the book Chasing the Bright Side by Jess Ekstrom by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
“Given the success and press that Headbands of Hope has had over the past seven years since their 2012 launch, Jess has been asked to speak at events and organizations all around the country. Through her increased speaking engagements, she realized that there weren’t enough women on conference panels or in keynote positions, so she launched the Mic Drop Workshop in August 2018. The Mic Drop Workshop is an online course and community dedicated to giving women the tools and confidence they need to grow a speaking brand and career through telling their own unique stories!
Finally, Jess is also the author of her upcoming book with Harper Collins Publishing, Chasing The Bright Side. Chasing The Bright Side will be hitting shelves in November of this year and speaks about the importance of pursuing your passions and staying optimist through the inevitable failures and challenges that come along the way in life and on the journey to entrepreneurship. Chasing The Bright Side is an honest, hilarious, and vulnerable portrayal of Jess’ hard-earned success as a young, female entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and philanthropist.”
#21 Connect: How to Love and Accept Yourself After Divorce
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Recommended by Dawn Burnett from A New Dawn Natural Solutions, Inc. Find out more about the book Connect: How to Love and Accept Yourself After Divorce by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
Connect How To Love And Accept Yourself After Divorce is a foolproof plan guiding women on how to gain back their power and discover their purpose by connecting within. Connect supplies powerful tips on how to release from trapped toxic emotions of your past, how to push past fear, remove judgment, and transform so you can boost your self-esteem, identify your worth, and find a meaningful long lasting love for self. You will see clearly and be able pinpoint your true dreams and desires so you can landscape a road map that will lead to your purpose.
#22 The Friendship Upgrade by Heather Dugan
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Recommended by Mary Byers from MaryByers. Find out more about the book The Friendship Upgrade by Heather Dugan by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
Friendships are one of life’s most precious gifts at any stage of life. Not only am I eagerly seeking them after reading this book, but I’m equipped to do it in a new way thanks to Heather who generously shares what she’s learned in an uplifting and engaging way. This isn’t just a book; it’s a movement. Heather is Founder of The Cabernet Coaches and understands human connection in a deep way after isolating herself after a divorce. She found her way back to friendship and teaches others how to do so, too.
#23 Battle Endurance – How You Can Be Someone Who Never Quits and Gives Everything You Have To Give
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Recommended by Nate Battle from Nate Battle Coach. Find out more about the book Battle Endurance – How You Can Be Someone Who Never Quits and Gives Everything You Have To Give by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
If you are searching for a tool to help you sift through the noise and find your true purpose, this is your book. It lays out a roadmap on how you can look beyond challenges, expectations, and facades to be your true self. It was written with the idea that readers can replace the challenges presented with your own, being able to see yourself while learning how to let go, work through conflict, obstacles, and difficulties and limiting negative self-talk, one step, action, moment and battle at a time. It speaks to how we are at times distracted by false beliefs and faulty thinking. Shared are many stories, and approaches on letting go, how to live in the present and having a full and more peaceful life. It’s engaging and relatable while including an honest selection of experiences readers of all ages will find as useful tools to help live a full life. “This book puts language around so many feelings I had. It also reminds me of a place of peace that must be maintained for me to avoid those pitfalls.” A book which motivational speaker Les Brown calls instructive, informative, and inspiring … a guide to live your life victoriously.”