Being pregnant is a simultaneously exciting and terrifying time where soon to be mothers can expect the unexpected. These books will help you along the way as you embark on this unforgettable and beautiful journey that ends with motherhood.
Table of Contents
#1 Mindfulness For Mums & Dads by Dr. Diana
Recommended by Dr. Diana from Murdoch Books. Find out more about the book Mindfulness For Mums & Dads by Dr. Diana by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
As a parent, it can be all too easy to live life on automatic pilot – fulfilling one demand after another while missing out on much of the journey. And though you can’t control every situation, you can influence the outcome by learning to change how you react. Dr Diana Korevaar, a practicing perinatal psychiatrist, uses mindfulness practice as a powerful tool to help parents calm down, connect and reframe the challenges they face in order to experience life more positively. Grounded in science, Mindfulness for Mums and Dads features dozens of case studies, as well as simple mindfulness practices that can be carried out anywhere.
#2 The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding by Dianne Wiessinger
Recommended by Samantha Radford from Evidence-based Mommy. Find out more about the book The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding by Dianne Wiessinger by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
My FAVORITE book for expectant mothers is The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding. While this book focuses on breastfeeding (obviously), it also weaves in so many other principles. Related topics include the benefits of unmedicated birth, sleep expectations, how to start solids, and weaning. In addition, there is a huge chapter for breastfeeding troubleshooting, from low supply to oversupply, mastitis to medications and breastfeeding. This was the only book I read before my first child was born, and it made me very confident in my breastfeeding ability. As a result, I had a beautiful breastfeeding relationship with my daughter that lasted through toddlerhood (something I never imagined before she was born). I can’t say enough good things about this book!
#3 What to Expect When You’re Expecting by Heidi Murkoff
Recommended by Karissa Whitman from FitMommyStrong. Find out more about the book What to Expect When You’re Expecting by Heidi Murkoff by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
I personally recommend this book for expecting mothers because it is so thorough and literally walks you through ALL stages of pregnancy. It also includes really helpful tips for expecting fathers and what to expect beyond pregnancy as well! It is the one book I used to help me prepare for my first child and I was so pleased with all the information and guidance I got from it.
#4 Bringing Up Bebe by Pamela Druckerman
Recommended by Annie Hsueh from Hope and Sage Psychological Services. Find out more about the book Bringing Up Bebe by Pamela Druckerman by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
A nice and fun read. Wonderful to read about parenting in different cultures and learn from it.
#5 The Happiest Baby on the Block by Harvey Karp
Recommended by Annie Hsueh from Hope and Sage Psychological Services. Find out more about the book The Happiest Baby on the Block by Harvey Karp by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
This book helps expecting parents learn some wonderful and helpful strategies for calming your baby
#6 Your Baby’s First Year by American Academy of Pediatric
Recommended by Annie Hsueh from Hope and Sage Psychological Services. Find out more about the book Your Baby’s First Year by American Academy of Pediatric by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
A good authoritative guide on caring for your baby from things like learning about baby’s growth and development, to feeding, to safety concerns.
#7 And Baby Makes Three by Gottman PhD, John
Recommended by David Routt from Totius Therapies. Find out more about the book And Baby Makes Three by Gottman PhD, John by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
Having a new baby is hard, and one of the hardest things about it, is how it affects the relationship between yourself and your partner. If you can keep your relationship with your partner in tact, and better yet thriving, then the parenting aspect of having a new baby is much smoother. There is nothing better than having a supportive, loving partner to share in the joy of raising a child. Sometimes it’s not so joyous, and it is important to know that there is someone there that you can trust to have your back, no matter what.
#8 Meditation Secrets Revealed by Todd Denen
Recommended by Todd Denen from Advanced Flow University. Find out more about the book Meditation Secrets Revealed by Todd Denen by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
Most people don’t realize it but the Lack of Meditation, specifically 4D Meditation, is the #1 Enemy to your Physical, Mental, and Spiritual well-being (*Meditation and Flow Expert Yogananda). The book, Meditation Secrets Revealed, is a rare inside look into the lives of the Yogi Flow Experts who discovered and perfected Meditation at least 2,500 years PRIOR to Buddhism..
Recommended by Todd Denen from Advanced Flow University. Find out more about the book PEAK PERFORMANCE SECRETS FOR KIDS by Todd Denen by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
This is a must have for any parent wanting to give their son or daughter the ULTIMATE ADVANTAGE over their peers. Peak Performance Expert Todd Denen reveals the SECRETS which allow Elite Entrepreneurs and Athletes are able to DOMINATE their Competition (Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Fortune, McKinsey, U.S. Military – DARPA, Advanced Brain Monitoring, Yogananda, etc.).
#10 Nurture by Erica Chidi Cohen
Recommended by Melanie Musson from exercise. Find out more about the book Nurture by Erica Chidi Cohen by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
For the most part, I hate books about pregnancy, childbearing, and child-rearing. No one has all the answers, and there are many right ways to do each. Surprisingly, I loved Nurture because it is about trusting your body and yourself. Mothers-to-be shouldn’t be set up for failure by believing things must be one certain way or they’re wrong. Trust your gut. Do what works for you. Nurture is about empowering you to do you.
#11 Elevating Child Care by Janet Lansbury
Recommended by Casey Tabolt from Mom & More Coaching. Find out more about the book Elevating Child Care by Janet Lansbury by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
This book is really informative and fascinating. Lansbury makes the case for trusting ourselves as mothers, and even more, so trusting our babies. This book can help any new mom respond to her child’s needs appropriately and not get caught up in milestone tracking.
#12 The Wonder Weeks by Hetty Van de Rijt
Recommended by Casey Tabolt from Mom & More Coaching. Find out more about the book The Wonder Weeks by Hetty Van de Rijt by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
The Wonder Weeks book and the available app are the closest things to a blueprint for their baby a new mom is going to get. Rijt does a wonderful job explaining the developmental milestones, behavioral patterns and characteristics of each phase of development and gives the added bonus of how to connect and foster growth during each leap.
#13 The Attachment Parenting Book by William Sears
Recommended by Casey Tabolt from Mom & More Coaching. Find out more about the book The Attachment Parenting Book by William Sears by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
The Attachment Parenting book by Dr Sears and his wife details the tenants and benefits of this style of parenting. It covers everything from bonding with your new baby, sleeping arrangements, and breastfeeding to how partners can help with baby and mom care. There is a wealth of information here presented in plain English and backed by science.
#14 The Baby Book by William Sears
Recommended by Casey Tabolt from Mom & More Coaching. Find out more about the book The Baby Book by William Sears by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
Dr Sears and his family of medical professionals cover all of the basics of baby care and then some. This will answer all those questions you are too afraid to ask anyone else and will soon become your go to guide for everything baby.
#15 The Baby Sleep Book by William Sears
Recommended by Casey Tabolt from Mom & More Coaching. Find out more about the book The Baby Sleep Book by William Sears by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
The Baby Sleep Book is another gem from Dr Sears and family. Infant sleep is one of the biggest issues facing many new parents and this book offers a plethora of advice on helping you and baby sleep better. Hint; Read it before you are too sleep deprived to follow the advice!
#16 The Breastfeeding Book by Martha Sears
Recommended by Casey Tabolt from Mom & More Coaching. Find out more about the book The Breastfeeding Book by Martha Sears by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
Hands down one of the best resources for breastfeeding moms. This is a must have for any expecting mom who wants to have a successful breastfeeding relationship or who is considering breastfeeding. It has practical advice and covers a wide range of topics related to breastfeeding. Martha Sears is like the wise elder, holding your hand and helping you nourish your baby at the breast.
#17 Sleeping With Your Baby by James J. McKenna
Recommended by Casey Tabolt from Mom & More Coaching. Find out more about the book Sleeping With Your Baby by James J. McKenna by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
A must read for expectant mothers. McKenna lays out the dos and don’ts of cosleeping (and bed sharing) allowing new parents to make educated decisions about infant sleep unique to their family. It gives research backed advice that gives families the freedom to follow their intuition and tune out the fear mongering.
#18 Good Nights by Jay Gordon PhD
Recommended by Casey Tabolt from Mom & More Coaching. Find out more about the book Good Nights by Jay Gordon PhD by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
Gordon and Goodavage answer all your questions and address all your concerns about sharing a bed with your baby. They cover safety, science supported advantages, how to handle criticism, and topics like sex with compassion and levity, empowering expectant parents with trusted knowledge.
#19 The Healthy Pregnancy Book by William Sears
Recommended by Casey Tabolt from Mom & More Coaching. Find out more about the book The Healthy Pregnancy Book by William Sears by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
The Healthy Pregnancy Book from the Sears parenting library is a must have for any expectant mother. It is a comprehensive guide detailing the health and well being of both mother and baby during the duration of the pregnancy. It has all of the developmental information expectant moms want and covers topics from nutrition to genetic testing and transitioning into parenthood.
#20 The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care by Sally Fallon Morell
Recommended by Brittany Ford from Biohacking Brittany. Find out more about the book The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care by Sally Fallon Morell by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
This book is a must-read for every expecting mother (and father), whether it is your first time around or your fifth! Sally dives deep into nutrition, what to feed both parents for conception, what to feed mom during pregnancy and how to adequately nourish baby in the first couple years. She breaks down why certain foods should or shouldn’t be included in a very easy to read way. This book will be opened time and time again, as different issues arise, with very practical and useful tips and info! A solid recommendation to anyone looking to grow a healthy family.
#21 Sh*tty Mom: The Parenting Guide for the Rest of Us by Laurie Kilmartin
Recommended by Randi Braun from Something Major. Find out more about the book Sh*tty Mom: The Parenting Guide for the Rest of Us by Laurie Kilmartin by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
As a working mom of 2 under 3, I know how challenging working motherhood can be… but it’s also wildly hilarious, just like this book. Nothing will make you feel more normal on your worst day or with your worst thought. Required reading for any working mom.
#22 Don’t Blink: Capturing Your Child’s Story Through Portraits By Jeanine McLeod
Recommended by Jeanine McLeod from Dontblinkthebook. Find out more about the book Don’t Blink: Capturing Your Child’s Story Through Portraits By Jeanine McLeod by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
Don’t Blink offers parents a roadmap on how to document their child’s journey from birth to high school graduation with photography. As an expecting mother, we know how much time is spent on Pinterest and browsing the internet planning for the photographs they will take of their new baby. Having a roadmap and a plan is the key to ensuring the photographs taken are their absolute best! In this book the author reveals practical tools for photographing their children and provides a greater understanding of the value of portraits to a family legacy. This is the perfect book for new parents!
#23 Jiffy Body by Bart Potter
Recommended by Bart Potter from Jiffy Body. Find out more about the book Jiffy Body by Bart Potter by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
For a fraction of the cost of one insurance coâpay, learn the secret that few people know: how muscle imbalance creates aches, pains, stiffness, swelling and how you can easily fix these issues. Jiffy Body is not a workout. You can even practice in your pajamas! Learn how to easily help you and your loved ones feel and function better, for life.
#24 Good Moms Have Scary Thoughts by Karen Kleiman
Recommended by Bernadette Hubbs from Therapy for Women and Moms. Find out more about the book Good Moms Have Scary Thoughts by Karen Kleiman by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
“This book is an essential read for every expectant mother. It talks about distressing thoughts that most new moms have, but are too afraid to admit or share.
The book’s focus is on Maternal Mental Health, which is just as equally important as a mom’s physical health. The book gives women the opportunity to learn what to expect before encountering the thoughts and feelings, which can normalize them, making moms feel less ashamed and isolated.”
#25 Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy by Wick M.D. Ph.D., Dr. Myra J.
Recommended by Jordan from Mindful Mama Health. Find out more about the book Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy by Wick M.D. Ph.D., Dr. Myra J. by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
“When I first found out I was pregnant, I scoured Amazon searching through all of the available books and resources. Although I am a Nurse Practitioner and have a general knowledge about the anatomy and physiology of pregnancy, experiencing pregnancy is a completely different experience!
I eventually found the Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy, which was an instant favorite for me. As a clinician myself, I wanted a book that was factual and based on the latest science and data.
This book provides loads of information about the changes your body goes through during pregnancy, symptoms you may experience, and how your baby is developing. The authors also discuss what will happen at each prenatalvisit and provide advice on how to care for your body during pregnancy.
The authors do a wonderful job explaining the technical aspects of pregnancy in a light and enjoyable manner. This book does not read like a textbook, but instead is a fantastic reference guide that non-medical people can easily understand and enjoy.”
#26 French Children Don’t Throw Food by Pamela Druckerman
Recommended by Nikola Djordjevic from MedAlertHelp. Find out more about the book French Children Don’t Throw Food by Pamela Druckerman by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
French Children Don’t Throw Food shows you a different parenting culture, the one in Paris, France. Its staple is the notion that French kids are well-behaved and French parents seem to have more of a personal life back, early on. It explains how French parents and society are upbringing their youngs, and it is a great read for all the expecting mothers. There are ways and ways to parent, and it is OK to learn about the different paths people take.
#27 The Brown Mama Mindset by Muffy Mendoza
Recommended by Muffy Mendoza from BrownMamas. Find out more about the book The Brown Mama Mindset by Muffy Mendoza by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
Muffy Mendoza wants new moms-of-color to be proactive about remembering who they are as a woman and their right to remain mentally healthy after giving birth. The Brown Mama Mindset is both a memoir of Muffy’s life after giving birth and her reflections and advice for moms who are experiencing the dog days of motherhood. She encourages moms to take the mental and physical breaks necessary to understand their mothering journeys and pushes them to get real on what they want to gain from the child rearing experience. From co-parenting to depression and the insecurity of living in-color in America, The Brown Mama Mindset promises a stimulating and soul-stirring read.
#28 Magical Beginnings, Enchanted Lives by Chopra M.D., Deepak
Recommended by Monica Bencomo from Moms Wear Heels. Find out more about the book Magical Beginnings, Enchanted Lives by Chopra M.D., Deepak by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
This is a wonderful book that delves into not only the physical changes that occur during pregnancy, but the spiritual and emotional changes too, and offers great tools on how to overcome challenges relating to each.
#29 7 Habits of a Healthy, Happy Mom by Martell Bencomo
Recommended by Monica Bencomo from Moms Wear Heels. Find out more about the book 7 Habits of a Healthy, Happy Mom by Martell Bencomo by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
This book is written for moms, by a mom, offering no nonsense tools on how to prepare your mind, body and spirit for the role of motherhood. Learn how not to abandon your identity as a new mother, lose the baby weight on a time budget, and balance going after your own goals without neglecting your role as a mother.
#30 Mommy MD Guide to Twins, Triplets, and More by Sonal Patel
Recommended by Heather Karpinsky from Baby A & Baby B LLC. Find out more about the book Mommy MD Guide to Twins, Triplets, and More by Sonal Patel by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
The Mommy MD Guide to Twins, Triplets, and More is filled with more than 200 tips that 12 doctors who are also mothers of multiples use for their own families. It offers wit and wisdom on pregnancy and birth, feeding, diapering and dressing, sleeping, going to work and school, coping with health problems, traveling, and fostering multiples’ unique personalities.
#31 When You Lived In My Belly by Jodi Meltzer Darter
Recommended by Jodi Meltzer Darter from Jordidarter. Find out more about the book When You Lived In My Belly by Jodi Meltzer Darter by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
When You Lived In My Belly is a fun, beautifully illustrated book. It is a great way to explain life growing in your belly to your kid and share the experience with them.