This article showcases our top picks for the Best Cancer Help Books. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below).
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Again by Christine Shields Corrigan
This product was recommended by Christine Shields Corrigan from ChristineShieldsCorrigan

A breast cancer diagnosis at forty-nine forces Christine Shields Corrigan, a wife, mom, and meticulous list-maker, to confront her deepest fears of illness, death, and loss of control as she struggles to face cancer again. From the discovery of a cyst, to chemotherapy and surgery, sleepless nights filled with rosaries and “what- ifs,” and shifting family dynamics, her adult experience mirrors her teen bout with Hodgkin’s lymphoma, with one exception, she no longer has parents keeping her in the dark. In her new memoir, Corrigan shares her journey. With the ghosts of cancer past hovering around her, Corrigan falls into the same overprotective traps her taciturn Irish-Catholic parents created, striving to keep her family’s life “normal,” when it is anything but, and soldiering through on her own, until a neighbor’s unexpected advice and gift move her to accept others’ help.
WARRIOR by Jessica Duemig
This product was recommended by Jessica Duemig from Warrior Guide Book

There’s nothing pink and fluffy about breast cancer! WARRIOR outlines the nuts and bolts of the battle through diagnosis, surgery and treatment; as well as the aftermath of emotions. Written with both the patient and supporter in mind, WARRIOR is the true, raw, uncensored, and hopefully, uplifting journey through the hard times, the weird stuff, real life, the small victories and the, “What the fuck do I do now?”
The Cancer Path by Dr. Paulette Kouffman Sherman
This product was recommended by Paulette Kouffman Sherman from Dr Paulette Sherman

The Cancer Path is a memoir/self-help book about a woman who views cancer as a spiritual path. Dr. Sherman describes it as her ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ of the cancer experience. As a psychologist, mother, wife, and breast cancer survivor, Dr. Sherman viewed cancer as a Zen stick that promoted self-care, healing, and greater wholeness. It was a springboard to examine her body, mind, emotions, and Spirit. This context made this challenging year of treatment an eternal gift. She wrote this book so that other cancer survivors could learn these spiritual lessons too. Her wish is that the cancer experience can lead to deeper healing and growth. The Cancer Path examines healing on all four levels, examining controversial questions related to cancer treatment, addressing coping strategies, healing resources, and providing many practical tips along the way. Dr. Sherman references over sixty books as milestones along your path. The Cancer Path will help you: Feel less alone on this startling & challenging journey Develop a Healing Team that supports you Explore ways to process your emotions Find Spiritual meaning in your illness Choose positive thoughts and a powerful context about your cancer Explore the research on controversial issues related to your cancer treatment Examine diet, movement, and alternative therapies for your body Consider the role of meditation and prayer Reflect upon the spiritual lessons you receive on your cancer path Marry healing on all four levels for optimal holistic growth …And so much more! Dr. Sherman felt that her cancer path brought her spiritual purpose into focus and she wants the same for you!
My Quick Guide Through Breast Cancer by Dr. Paulette Kouffman Sherman
This product was recommended by Paulette Kouffman Sherman from Dr Paulette Sherman

When I was going through surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation I wished that there was a slim book that I could put in my purse that would give me the ‘real scoop’ and provide key tips to guide me through this challenging journey. It would help if the author was a breast cancer survivor too. So, during my treatment year, I wrote one, with my cancer sisters in mind. Hopefully, this book will be your companion on commutes and hospital visits. I’ve kept it brief while trying to include the most important practical things you need to know. Remember: you will get through this, so keep the faith. I am with you! From the Back Cover Getting breast cancer marks a huge shift in how you are living. It often comes at the most inconvenient time and can temporarily put fear and disorganization at the forefront of your life, emotions, and thinking. The first step is to take a deep breath and ground yourself. This book can help with that. Dr. Sherman, a psychologist, and breast cancer survivor wrote this to help you absorb your diagnosis, assess your treatment situation, and get through your surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation in the best possible way. She gives you tips, warns about possible pitfalls, and shares her personal experience, every step of the way. My Quick Guide to Breast Cancer will: 1.) Help you prepare your medications and calendar for treatment. 2.) Check your insurance coverage for your hospital and surgery. 3.) Make your No Can Do Lists for chemotherapy and radiation. 4.) Reach out to relevant cancer organizations. 5.) Figure out your Healing Team and contact numbers. 6.) Make a Mind/Body/Spirit healing plan. 7.) Understand your blood counts, chemotherapy cocktail, and doctor notes. 8.) Explore getting a wig, a short haircut, hair loss, and henna crowns. 9.) Create a work plan that’s manageable during your treatment. 10.) Make a list of chemo buddies. 11.) Find a few good cancer role models and sounding boards. 12.) Explore getting the BRCHA test & the Neulasta shot. 13.) Explore the role of your diet with a cancer diagnosis. And much more!
The Create Your Own Cancer Path Workbook by Dr. Paulette Sherman
This product was recommended by Paulette Kouffman Sherman from Dr Paulette Sherman

The Create Your Own Cancer Path Workbook is a workbook to help cancer patients keep track of their personal experience and story as they go through a most challenging treatment year. It is a journal/workbook with ideas, springboards, and exercises so that they can remember how they got through everything, what and who inspired them, the lessons they learned, and other personal notes. They can use this workbook as a template for writing and publishing their own story later if they wish. This can also be a legacy for their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren to learn from their story. I found writing to be very therapeutic when I was going through treatment for breast cancer and research shows that there are many benefits to cancer patients from journaling and leaving a legacy behind. Becoming the heroine of your cancer story allows you to reflect on what you’ve learned, what worked, and didn’t work for you, where you could grow, the characters in your life, and other relevant issues. It encourages you to take control of your life and story. This workbook has 38 exercises on the levels of mind, body, emotions, and Spirit.
Thriver Soup, A Feast for Living Consciously During the Cancer Journey by Heidi Bright
This product was recommended by Heidi Bright from Thriver Soup

Thriver Soup saved my life! said Jacqui R., a Registered Nurse in Cincinnati, OH. Discover a variety of holistic strategies for cushioning chemotherapy and softening surgery while feeling empowered to grow in personal awareness. Enhance your nutritional choices, stimulate your creative juices, foster your ability to transform mentally and emotionally, and deepen your connection with others and the Divine.
What Don’t Kill Me Just Makes Me Strong by Stewart Francke
This product was recommended by Jay Hartman from Untreed Reads Publishing

What Don’t Kill Me Just Makes Me Strong is a survival memoir that recounts Stewart Francke’s remarkable journey through leukemia and a bone marrow transplant, complications and recovery. Understanding he is, as a survivor, part of the “lucky unlucky,” Francke finds the silver lining in his struggle and then some. Each chapter begins with guides to survival–through any adversity, not just cancer. These informed aphorisms lend What Don’t Kill Me a spiritual dimension, making it both literary memoir and a guide to living.
I Quit by Kristina Schnack Kotlus
This product was recommended by Kristina Schnack Kotlus from KristinaKotlus

I Quit: Facing Cancer with Faith, Family and Friends is a rally cry for anyone facing cancer to choose joy, embrace humor, and know you’re not facing cancer alone. Written by a brain cancer survivor, I Quit provides strength and encouragement to individuals struggling with cancer from the perspective of someone who has experienced it firsthand. Kotlus is a two-time cancer survivor, she was first diagnosed with brain cancer at age 28 and relapsed four years later when it had metastasized to her spine. When she found herself diagnosed with cancer for the second time, she chose to quit on day one. But rather than giving up on life, her quitting meant getting a whole new lease on life. I Quit offers readers a chance to do the same. In her book, Kotlus shares her story of going through two cancer diagnoses with the help of her family, friends, and faith in a relatable, funny way. Part memoir and part self-help, readers will appreciate her tips on everything from how to handle an initial diagnosis to why you should have doctors break the hard news to your children. She gives guidance on how to enlist the help of friends, even if you hate asking for help, how to deal with insurance providers, and ways to empower your children against insensitive remarks or prying adults. Readers will gain the confidence to question a diagnosis that seems dismissive or wrong, and through this book they will be reminded that you matter to many more people than you realize. Additionally, readers will be inspired to look for glimmers of joy even in the midst of cancer. Kotlus shares openly and honestly, with just a touch of sarcasm and a heavy dose of humor and faith, encouraging readers to decide that it’s time to stand up, wash the tears off their face, and keep going.
Chris Beat Cancer by Chris Wark
This product was recommended by Lisa Patten from Sport Fitness Advisor

This book is awesome because it gives many suggestions and great information on natural ways to aid your healing from cancer. While a totally natural approach is not for everyone, this book still offers insight into natural healing modalities that help create a balanced, holistic healing regimen.
The Healing Code by Alexander Lloyd
This product was recommended by Lisa Patten from Sport Fitness Advisor

This book is not specific to cancer, admittedly, but it can be pivotal to helping to carry the emotional, mental, and spiritual weight of a cancer diagnosis.
How to Eat Well when you have Cancer By Jane Freeman
This product was recommended by April Green from Days of our Lives

Fighting with cancer involves fighting with other things like coping with eating during the treatment, being overweight or underweight, lack of taste and nausea and sickness. This book helps you choose the right things to eat and eat well, as the name suggests. It helps get the flavor back to food by giving you effective and practical ways to manage your weight and nutrient intake. It also helps you deal with the treatment side effects like nausea, lack of appetite, fatigue, dry or sore mouth, and taste changes. Apart from this, the book also focuses on the concept that eating is not just about nutrition and food but also about keeping a family and social life together and that it can be achieved even if you don’t feel like eating anything at that moment. This is a book that I would recommend to every cancer patient, whether they are starting their treatment or already in the middle of it. The book from Jane Freeman, a cancer specialist APD, will help you plan your meals so that you get the energy to get through this phase of your life.
Crazy Sexy Kitchen By Kris Carr
This product was recommended by Lynell Ross from Test Prep Reviews

This book will help people who are facing cancer become empowered to improve their health by learning about the most nutritious foods and how to prepare them in the most appetizing ways. Kris Carr battled cancer and came up with a full lifestyle plan to live her healthiest, happiest life. Her book describes how inflammation is the root of many chronic diseases including cancer, and what you can do to balance your body systems. She explains the nutritional reasons for choosing foods that heal in addition to teaching you how to prepare amazingly delicious meals and snacks.
How to Starve Cancer by Jane McLellabd
This product was recommended by CJ Xia from Boster Biological Technology

The author of the book – Jane, had cancer. Jane wanted to extend her research as she struggled to stop the growth of the virus in her. Jane wanted to live with virus by delaying its impact, but her research not only ceased the development of cancer it also helped her to recover from cancer. This book proves to be a total success in the life of a cancer patient. Jane planned cancer starvation through some effective drugs and supplements. This book also contains answers to questions about why cancer still doesn’t have any treatment? You can guess the book’s success because it is now being used in various oncology centers.
A Series of Catastrophes and Miracles by Mary Elizabeth Williams
This product was recommended by Nicole Garcia from Most Craft

This book is a raw telling of a life story that bears the author’s experience while battling a fatal form of cancer. You are taken into a journey of emotions as she lives in candor with her family, friends, and diagnosis.
This Is Only a Test by Chris-Tia Donaldson
This product was recommended by Nicole Garcia from Most Craft

This is a very insightful book that shows as a vivid experience of an empowered woman who decides to set her own path as she juggles with her career and the unfortunate experience of being diagnosed with breast cancer.
Life is a Ride by Chris Joseph
This product was recommended by Vipin Chahal from Return Policy Guide

I would suggest this book since it is one of the most powerful books which made me see the importance of effort in our lives. Joseph tried several alternatives for his recoveries because of the burning will to survive inside. It emphasizes independence and redemption and is sure to see the world through a different lens.
The Cancer Survivors Guide by Michael Feuerstein
This product was recommended by Vipin Chahal from Return Policy Guide

It is the first providing a proven step by step healthcare plan for life after cancer survival. It is loaded with enough approaches to help the hard-hit sufferers to fight negatives that come in the way and sustain hopes as means of revitalization.
Cancer, Your Body, and Your Diet by Dr. Arati Bhatia
This product was recommended by Vipin Chahal from Return Policy Guide

The food we consume has a necessary role to play in curing a disease whether it be acute or chronic in nature. This is an essential guide for patients to know what and why to eat. It enlightens you about the following tips: – Can a healthy diet help you prevent cancer? – Foods to choose when undergoing surgery or chemotherapy. – Foods to avoid and recover from cancer.
My Mommy Has Breast Cancer, But She Is Okay! by Kerry M. Corner
This product was recommended by Vipin Chahal from Return Policy Guide

Women have higher chances of contracting cancer than men. This is a perfect book for providing an insight into how loved ones should take care and deal with encountering cancer diagnosis. It also explores the relationship pattern between the two and the beautiful duet journey.