4 Unexpected Fruits and Vegetables You Can Use in a Juicer

4 Unexpected Fruits and Vegetables You Can Use in a Juicer
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Using a juicer to make healthy drinks is a great way to get your morning started. Juicing using your own fresh fruit or vegetables is healthier than buying items that could have harmful additives, such as high-fructose corn syrup.

If you aren’t sure which fruits and veggies to use, there are so many more options than the typical ones that first come to mind. Strawberries, kiwis, carrots, and cucumbers are all great options! But there’s more. Here are four unexpected fruits and vegetables you can use in a juicer that you never thought of before.

When you’re thinking of new foods to use in the juicing machine, remember that there are many fruits and veggies that shouldn’t go in a juicer. Learning which items you can and cannot use will help you grow your wide array of healthy foods to implement in your daily life.


Pineapples are a highly nutritious option that helps with digestion and can improve your immune system! Using your juicer for pineapples is a great option to get your morning started!

You need to remember to prep each fruit before placing it in the juicer. If you were to put a pineapple with the rind in the juicer, it could potentially damage your machine. Surprisingly, the cores of pineapples are juiceable! Like with any fruit placed in a juicer, the pieces need to be cut small enough so they can fit through the juicing chute.


Celery isn’t the most common vegetable to use as a stand-alone ingredient for a juice recipe, but it can be a great nutritious option to incorporate. It is high in magnesium and iron. You can put celery in the juicer without removing the stems or doing any peeling.

While celery isn’t the most delicious option, it is a simple and nutritious addition to a more flavorful fruit juice.


Some melons include honeydew melons and cantaloupes, and they are great healthy fruits to bring into your diet. Including a little bit of the rind on melons is not dangerous at all and can be nutritious. Melons are great sources of potassium and vitamins C and K. They are sweet and can be amazing fruits to drink daily.

Sweet Potatoes

You may think of sweet potato fries or sweet potato casserole, but sweet potatoes are also a great vegetable to place in the juicer. Sweet potatoes are loaded with vitamins A and C alongside potassium and fiber. Their sweet, creamy texture allows it to be a versatile vegetable for juicing. It can be great mixed with carrot juice or adding some spices like cinnamon or ginger.

Don’t forget that you can take these juiced fruits and vegetables and combine them to make the perfect blend! With these unexpected fruits and vegetables you can use in a juicer, you’ll feel better and healthier than ever.


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