This article showcases our top picks for the Best Books To Read To Help Overcome Stress. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below).
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Table of Contents
Declutter Your Mind by S.J. Scott
This product was recommended by Jamie Bacharach from Acupuncture Jerusalem

S.J. Scott and Barrie Davenport deliver an excellent guide to help readers reduce stress, anxiety and general worrying in ‘Declutter Your Mind.’ By teaching the reader mindfulness techniques that work to free up the mind, creating more space and helping people focus on happiness as opposed to stress, ‘Declutter Your Mind’ is the ideal read for anyone looking for a book to help overcome stress and its debilitating effects.
Meditation Illuminated by Joy Rains
This product was recommended by Joy Rains from JoyRains

Millions of people worldwide have transformed their lives through meditation–now you can, too. Learn how to experience meditation’s profound benefits, including reduced stress, increased focus, and enhanced well-being. This comprehensive primer is designed to give you a complete understanding of how meditation works–and how to meditate. With its straightforward language, simple concepts, illustrative stories, and clear instructions for 21 varied meditations, you can discover how to transform your life today!
Emotional GRIT 8 steps to master your emotions, transform your thoughts & change Your World by Dr Neeta F Bhushan
This product was recommended by Neeta F Bhushan from NeetaBhushan

Emotional GRIT is an in-depth guide for anyone who wants to ignite lasting transformation, step into their power, and become the best version of themselves. From world-class leaders to stay-at-home moms, Emotional GRIT is written to empower the individual so they can master their stress and emotions, discover their inner strength, and revolutionize their homes, businesses, and workplaces to create even more impact in the world.
What it Means to BE a Woman by Jacqueline Pirtle
This product was recommended by Jacqueline Pirtle from FreakyHealer

Women, are you ready to BE and live your YOU? In this practical and exciting book, Jacqueline Pirtle – a female powerhouse – presents unique and easy ways for women to align with their powerful purpose, truth, and their natural zest for life. Jacqueline believes that you already have it all in you; wisdom, strength, power, and so much more, and that through realizing the monumental female-force that you ARE, you will lead a life that is precisely custom made to fit what you came here to BE and experience. This book touches you in your heart, a space where your guards and hair are down; the dress or pants, high heels or tennies, and make-up is off; where rawness, honesty, and vulnerability open the gate for every woman to be her “everyday woman” with an “everyday girl” inside, and where you are not afraid to shed a tear. Where, instead, you are ready to feel, heal, and shift to your female power. Jacqueline wrote these words in her purest rawness and honesty, and invites you to meet and connect with her in that truthfulness of femininity. So, in her words, “Let us learn how to fly together and bathe in the delight of being free women and the real ‘hotness’ that we all are.”
365 Days of Happiness by Jacqueline Pirtle
This product was recommended by Jacqueline Pirtle from FreakyHealer

Reading and practicing the bestseller 365 Days of Happiness will help you to BE and live happy anywhere at anytime no matter your circumstances. – You get daily practice in feeling good, creating health, celebrating joy – You gain a deep understanding of your inner self – You master how to live a wonderful and mindfully happy life – Available as a paperback, e-book, mobile app, apple, android, and can be supplemented with its Self-Study-Program at Do you have fun with your own life? How often do you really pay attention and choose things to improve your day? In 365 Days of Happiness, bestselling author, holistic practitioner, and mindfulness teacher Jacqueline Pirtle has created daily inspirations that help you mindfully work towards living a more vivid experience of daily happiness. Showing that you can put in work to change your life while having fun, the practices are full of whimsy and delight. Through light, bubbly, cheerful passages, each day teaches you to find happiness, use those sour lemons, and shift yourself into a “high for life” frequency where you can reach happiness anywhere at any time.
Parenting Through the Eyes of Lollipops by Jacqueline Pirtle
This product was recommended by Jacqueline Pirtle from FreakyHealer

Do you wish that you could enjoy parenthood more? Have you ever wondered what deeper meaning there is to being a Mom or Dad? In Parenting Through the Eyes of Lollipops Jacqueline Pirtle, a mom herself, carries you through the experience of parenthood by making spiritual and energetic sense of real physical-life parenting scenarios, while, as her highest priority, keeping children’s perspectives in mind. This book opens new doors for you to dive into parenthood with fresh zest, plenty of fun, and infinite love for yourself and for your children by teaching you these 3 important pillars to better parenting: – The Harmonious Dance – It Is Never The Child – The Love Cycle of Parenthood This profound parent-life wisdom can be utilized immediately, so you too can experience a spectacular time with your children, including teenagers, ASAP. No matter if you are a parent, grandparent, aunt and uncle, or just a lover of life, Parenting Through the Eyes of Lollipops will inspire you to dig deeper into the enjoyment of being alive and being a Mother or Father.
The Adrenal Reset Diet by Dr Alan Christenson
This product was recommended by Erik Levi from HolisticNootropics

The adrenals are where your stress hormones are made and the best way to control stress is to control the release of stress hormones in the body. Dr Christenson discusses the science behind this and offers lots of methods for mastering adrenal function.
The Hormone Cure by Dr Sara Gottfried
This product was recommended by Erik Levi from HolisticNootropics

Dr Gottfried is a board-certified gynecologist and Harvard Med school graduate who discusses the science of hormones and how to best control hormones. Dysregulation of hormones causes stress in the body and understanding their connection to stress is important in lowering stress, especially for women.
Mind Easing by Dr. Bick Wanck MD
This product was recommended by Candace Johnson from Change It Up Editing and Writing Services

In the first major conceptual leap in mental health care in forty years, Mind Easing’s Three-Layered Healing Plan harmonizes wellness approaches, therapy, and, when needed, medicine into a comprehensive, safe, and effective plan tailored to the needs and wishes of the individual. Anxiety and depression can be relieved and often resolved by assisting the mind’s natural ability to heal. The book includes the concepts of soft and hard anxiety and depression’ Soft anxiety and depression are generally caused by stressful current life events or past adversity where hard anxiety and depression are caused by genetically inherited conditions or by physiologic hardening of symptoms resulting from persistent or severe adversity or trauma.
Be that Unicorn. Find your Magic. Live your Truth. Share your Shine. by Jenny Block
This product was recommended by Jenny Block from Be That Unicorn

The best way to overcome stress is by being the best version of you. That Unicorn is exactly that, the very best version of you. That Unicorn is a glittery, rainbow-maned metaphor for one’s joyful self, the kind of person we are all drawn to. That Unicorn is you. My mom has always said that people are drawn to me because I make everyone feel good about themselves.. Throughout my life, people have echoed that sentiment. It’s the thing I love about myself the most: I’m the big sister, the BFF, the mom, the cheerleader, the coach, “the little unicorn that could” who everyone deserves. Let BTU help you overcome stress and be your best.
The Power of Now by Eckhardt Tolle
This product was recommended by Jennifer Schlueter from Mind Your Subconscious

When I was at the lowest point in my life in a bad relationship in a place I couldn’t stand with almost no money, this book has brought me back to happiness. Since then, I recommend it to everyone! The Power of Now will remind you of what happens when you let go of all the unnecessary worries in life, feeling depressed about the past, and / or anxious about the future. This book reminds you that all you have is this present moment and that’s already so much to be grateful for. And because this is easier said than internalized, the author includes simple tips on how you can live more in the now, which results in you alleviating your stress immensely.
The Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson
This product was recommended by Bradley Nelson from DiscoverHealing

In 2007, Dr. Nelson tapped into his 20 years of experience helping patients heal from emotional trauma and chronic physical illness to publish “The Emotion Code: How to Release Your Trapped Emotions for Abundant Health, Love, and Happiness.” The book sold more than 175,000 copies and launched a holistic healing revolution worldwide, with almost 5,000 healing practitioners around the globe trained and certified in the healing techniques Dr. Nelson teaches. The revised and expanded version of “The Emotion Code” features a new chapter on how we can “inherit” emotions from our ancestors, 60 new subsections, definitions of emotions, new information on the Heart-Wall™, and more details on the process of clearing “trapped emotions”, the emotional baggage we all carry from difficult and traumatic life experiences. Quote from Dr. Brad “Some of the greatest satisfactions in my life come from teaching people, bringing out the healer in them, practicing the healing arts myself, and experiencing the joy that comes from helping others to be well,” Dr. Nelson says. “With the new edition of ‘The Emotion Code,’ we look forward to teaching more people to help themselves and their loved ones shed their emotional baggage so that that they can live up to their full potential.”
Creating Critical Opportunity by Diane Dye Hansen
This product was recommended by Diane Dye Hansen from What Works Consultants

Diane Dye Hansen Sometimes the best way to handle stress is to dig into the source of it. Creating Critical Opportunity is a workbook that allows you to do exactly that. The easy-to-follow workbook takes you step by step through a method that will help you discover the opportunity that is buried within your stress. Not only does it relieve stress, it uses it to create change.
5-Minute Mindfulness for Busy Moms by Shonda Moralis
This product was recommended by Shonda Moralis from ShondaMoralis

Called a Mom Must-Read by Parents Magazine, Breathe, Mama, Breathe: 5-Minute Mindfulness for Busy Moms is an easy-to-read combination of short meditations, mindful breaks, and relatable stories from my life as a mom to two kids, ten years apart. As a devoted mindfulness meditator and teacher, psychotherapist, and experienced mom, I was caught unawares when the birth of my second child, a decade after the first, left me feeling slightly unhinged. Opposed to throwing the baby out with the mindfulness bath water, it was clearly time to craft a new normal, one that easily incorporated five-minute mindfulness practices into a demanding, full schedule. Drawing upon the scientific research of Positive Psychology (the science of happiness and thriving) and mindfulness, as well as years of psychotherapy experience treating overwhelmed, stressed-out moms, Breathe, Mama, Breathe: 5-Minute Mindfulness for Busy Moms is my answer to the enduring question posed by busy moms everywhere: How do I balance it all without losing my mind(fulness)?
Touchstones by Charlene Costanzo
This product was recommended by Charlene Costanzo from N/A

In this empowering book, Costanzo shares examples of triumphs, transformations, and healings that result from using our inherent gifts of strength, beauty, courage, compassion, hope, joy, talent, imagination, reverence, wisdom, love, and faith. Each story inspires us to stay in touch with our inner gifts, especially when fear, hurt, or anger has derailed us. How did Touchstone Stories come to be? In 2000, while promoting her bestselling book, The Twelve Gifts of Birth, Charlene traveled America in a motor home. It was then, while visiting schools, shelters, prisons, and places of worship, that Charlene began to watch closely for evidence of ‘the twelve gifts’ in herself and in others. This daily practice became a personal quest, one on which she invites us to join her. The stories within are intended to spark memories of using our gifts and to build our own collection of touchstones.
The Worry Trick by David A. Carbonell PhD
This product was recommended by Lynell Ross from Zivadream

I suggest this book to help overcome stress, because stress is the perception of a threat and the belief that we do not have the skills to cope. Worry takes over, and we begin thinking about the future and feeling stressed and anxious or ruminating about something we regret from the past. All this obsessive thinking creates stressful scenarios rather than allowing us to deal with the present. Anxiety is a powerful force that makes us question ourselves, our emotions and creates worry. The Worry Trick, us designed to help you break the cycle of worry. When we worry, we get into fight, flight or freeze mode, the stress responses. The techniques in The Worry Trick, teaches you how to see your anxious thoughts in a new way, rather than resist them. It helps you distance yourself from anxious thoughts so you can see with clarity and learn how to break the cycle of stress in your life.