Whether you’re trying, expecting or are thinking about kids in the further, you can’t be prepared enough. Like each generation, millennials have their individual challenges, behavioral patterns and desires and these books cater specifically to mothers in this generation.
Table of Contents
#1 Forget “Having It All” by Amy Westervelt
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Recommended by Brooke Brumfield from Fior Partners. Find out more about the book Forget “Having It All” by Amy Westervelt by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
We live in this world where we’re marketing perfection to one another – fit, successful and hyper present moms who crush it all. There’s the mom who’s homeschooling and able to stay home – who take her kids on cross country road trips with a seemingly endless budget and neverending supply of energy on one spectrum. Then, there’s the mom who makes more money than I’d know how to manage and has all the childcare support in the world on the other end of the spectrum. Both friends could shame and guilt each other – one for sending her kids off to schools and caregivers and offing the parenting responsibility, the other for not having her own identity and setting her kids up to fail because of it. I feel an increasing sense of doom caught in the middle – and discomfort with the fact that, no matter how progressive my husband and I are, the first two years of parenting (and a lot of it after) still fall to the mom. This book explains how we got here – from the shame and guilt being used as political tools to helping us forgive ourselves, eachother, and manage expectations accordingly.
#2 Eat to Feed: 80 Nourishing Recipes for Breastfeeding Moms
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Recommended by Kristy Kohler from Oat Mama. Find out more about the book Eat to Feed: 80 Nourishing Recipes for Breastfeeding Moms by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
For millennial mamas who care about what they put in their bodies while they are breastfeeding their babies, this gorgeous cookbook features recipes that are designed to not only taste delicious, but also deliver milk-boosting superfoods to help curb breastfeeding cravings and keep mama from getting depleted of essential nutrients.
#3 Babies Are The Worst by Meagan Gordon Scheuerman
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Recommended by Meagan Gordon Scheuerman from Meagan Scheuerman. Find out more about the book Babies Are The Worst by Meagan Gordon Scheuerman by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
The ultimate read for new moms, Babies Are The Worst explores what happens when everything you thought motherhood would be like feels like a lie. Told with humor and hope, this memoir is not just for women with PPD. This book is for every person who is left wondering, “Am I crazy for sometimes thinking this is the worst?” You’re not the only one thinking it.
#4 Searching for God in the Garbage by Bracha Goetz
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Recommended by Bracha Goetz from Bracha’s Books. Find out more about the book Searching for God in the Garbage by Bracha Goetz by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
Experience what goes on inside the mind of a feminist Harvard grad in this raw, candid, and fascinating memoir about overcoming food addictions and learning to value motherhood. Joyfully discover how to fill the inner emptiness by nourishing your uniquely beautiful soul.
#5 Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to stop yelling and start connecting
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Recommended by Samantha Radford from Evidence-based Mommy. Find out more about the book Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to stop yelling and start connecting by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
“Peaceful Parents, Happy Kids has the goal of helping parents retrain their own minds to reduce reactivity to the daily stresses of life with children. As parents learn to respond, rather than react, to their children’s misdeeds, they become able to guide their kids more effectively.
While the book is considered a parenting resource rather than a book on motherhood, Dr. Markham’s invaluable insight into our own stresses and fears teaches us to release those worries, allowing us to become calmer (and dare I say, more peaceful) in the process. Any mother who feels overwhelmed by interactions with her children will be greatly encouraged and empowered by this book!”
#6 Expecting Better by Emily Oster
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Recommended by Erica Gellerman from The Worth Project. Find out more about the book Expecting Better by Emily Oster by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
When I was pregnant with my first child, there were so many rules to follow that didn’t seem to make sense. No one could describe to me why it was important to do or not do certain things during pregnancy. I was thrilled to find this book which breaks down the data and studies behind why it’s OK to have caffeine and the real deal with turkey meat. This book was a huge weight off my shoulders and it helped me make the right, informed decisions to keep me physically and mentally healthy during pregnancy.
#7 Smart Mom, Rich Mom by Kimberly Palmer
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Recommended by Erica Gellerman from The Worth Project. Find out more about the book Smart Mom, Rich Mom by Kimberly Palmer by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
I’m a financial writer and run my own personal finance site, but before becoming a mom I didn’t know much about money and motherhood. This book was insightful and helped me navigate some money questions I had at the very beginning. Kids are expensive – this book can help.
#8 Parenting from the Inside Out by Daniel J Siegel
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Recommended by Adina Mahalli from EnlightenedReality. Find out more about the book Parenting from the Inside Out by Daniel J Siegel by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
Childhood expert analyzes neurological studies and research to explain the direct relationship between development in the brain and environment. Concentrating on communication and its impacts on child-development, helping millennial mothers set a great foundation for a loving relationship with their children.
#9 Oh Baby! a Mom’s Self-care Survival Guide for the First Year by Maria Lianos-carbone
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Recommended by Maria Lianos-Carbone from amotherworld. Find out more about the book Oh Baby! a Mom’s Self-care Survival Guide for the First Year by Maria Lianos-carbone by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
There are plenty of books and resources about how to properly care for your new baby, but what about caring for yourself? From dealing with physical and emotional changes to battling postpartum depression to rekindling intimacy with your partner, my book Oh Baby! Mom’s Survival Guide for the First Year keeps the focus on moms – because you can’t draw water (or breast milk, for that matter) from an empty well.
#10 Toddlers are A**Holes: It’s Not Your Fault by Bunmi Laditan
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Recommended by Vivian Young from Good Night’s Rest. Find out more about the book Toddlers are A**Holes: It’s Not Your Fault by Bunmi Laditan by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
Get over the provocative title. I am not a “hater” of little kids. I raised two of them who grew up to be pretty normal adults in their 30’s. I have advice for future millennial mothers. You will survive pregnancy and childbirth – with or without a doula. Trust me, this is the easy part. The toddler years of “terrible twos” is not a myth. Motherhood has its rewards and toddlerhood is not one of them. Bunmi Laditan writes with honesty and humor from her personal experience as a mom. Toddlers Are Not A**Holes will provide you with much-needed comic relief and will give you comfort in the knowledge that youâre not alone with the challenges of raising a toddler!
#11 Raising Confident Parents by Patricia Porrey & Pamela Jones
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Recommended by Meagan Vogt from pNeo LLC. Find out more about the book Raising Confident Parents by Patricia Porrey & Pamela Jones by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
Expecting and caring for your newborn should be one of the happiest times in your life, but it can also be the most stressful. Our book, helps you unravel the mysteries and answer the questions you may not even know to ask. Parenthood can seem scary, but with Raising Confident Parents, you can build your confidence and learn to enjoy this amazing time in your life. Let’s face it, new parents do not have the time to read a 300-page book to find advice on what to do about sore boobs, how to treat hemorrhoids, or how to help your baby sleep through the night. We give you proven parenting tips in short, easy-to-read pages and in a language, you can understand.
#12 The Gaslighting of the Millennial Generation by Caitlin Fisher
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Recommended by Caitlin Fisher from Born Again Minimalist. Find out more about the book The Gaslighting of the Millennial Generation by Caitlin Fisher by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
Tackling many issues facing millennials and their apparent destruction of society, author Caitlin Fisher specifically focuses a chapter on millennial parenting and the ways we’re doing things differently than our parents and grandparents.
#13 Deep Breaths: The New Mom’s Handbook to Your Baby’s First Year
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Recommended by Brenda Knight from Mango Publishing. Find out more about the book Deep Breaths: The New Mom’s Handbook to Your Baby’s First Year by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
You’ve survived pregnancy and now you have a newborn baby. What’s next? You open up Deep Breaths by Michelle Pearson-and maybe take a few deep breaths of your own. This isn’t your grandma’s parenting book. YouTube parenting vlogger, Michelle Pearson, brings her inspiring and motivating parenting stories, tips, and tricks for the modern millennial mom. From what to expect as the pregnancy develops to the milestones within the first 12 months, Michelle knows that the journey will have highs, lows, and the occasional unexpected surprise on social media.
In her book, she details what to expect during pregnancy and the first year of motherhood, the importance of finding your mother tribe, how to embrace motherhood with all of its ups and downs, and how to continue managing your career-and your social life-now that you have a newborn to care for. In Deep Breaths, Michelle will help you figure out what kind of mom you want to be-and how to become her. She will walk you through the good, the bad, and the ugly. And she will show you how to find, define, and embrace the mother within you-all while maintaining a delicate balance and taking the time to pamper yourself, sometimes, too.
#14 Baby Hacks Handbook by Hugo Villabona
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Recommended by Brenda Knight from Mango Publishing. Find out more about the book Baby Hacks Handbook by Hugo Villabona by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
Parenting is hard. Your newborn is up all night and sleeps all day, keeps spitting up all over their adorable onesie and only wants to eat while Game of Thrones is on. What do you do when you have a new problem to solve every day? Baby Hacks Handbook has simple, innovative solutions for all your basic baby dilemmas. If it’s pregnancy, adoption or infant jitters you have, this book will help you out. With helpful statistics, infographics, and the latest research on all things baby, it’s the comprehensive guide to becoming the best parent ever.
#15 Hatch, Leap, Soar: Your 3-Steps to Total Fulfillment, Real Success and True Happiness by Latoyia Dennis
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Recommended by Brenda Knight from Mango Publishing. Find out more about the book Hatch, Leap, Soar: Your 3-Steps to Total Fulfillment, Real Success and True Happiness by Latoyia Dennis by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
Transformation is at the heart of Hatch Leap Soar, which reveals principles to help you become your best self. LaToyia Dennis likens the process to that of a baby bird inside an egg, ready to. Hatch. Before you can begin to change and start realizing your potential, you are in your comfort zone inside your shell. When you begin the process of hatching, you’re defying the norm, pressing past your fears and breaking free. Once you’ve hatched, you can see possibilities. You are now open to achieving your goals, to being who you want to be. You start to think, Oh my gosh, as soon as I get out of this shell, I can do this, because now you can see it. But in order to get out of your shell, you have to make a… Leap.
This could be a leap in a completely different direction than you’ve ever gone before. You have to move out of your current position, out of whatever comfort zone or shell you are in. In Hatch Leap Soar, LaToyia shows you just how important it is to believe that you are better freed from your shell than you are stuck inside. In order to reach your full potential, you must move toward it. Things won’t come to you if you’re sitting in your shell. Opportunities and change won’t happen if you are standing still. You have to leap or jump or move forward. A bird never learns to fly by staying in the nest. A bird has to leap out to learn to. Soar. And Hatch Leap Soar will teach you how to do just that. Once you learn to soar, you can fly high and free. You can reach your potential.
#16 Own It All by Andrea Isabelle Lucas
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Recommended by Brenda Knight from Mango Publishing. Find out more about the book Own It All by Andrea Isabelle Lucas by reading the description below or clicking on the button. |
You’ve just found the how-to-guide for women who are ready to ditch procrastination and paralyzing self-doubt, live in true self-confidence, claim heartfelt goals and dreams and make that ish happen! How could a teen single mom, recovering from domestic violence and poverty, go on to create a multi-million-dollar, national barre and yoga studio chain? She made one mindset shift that created a massive snowball effect, propelling her to a dream life. Yes, just one mindset shift can take you from maybe one day… wishful thinking to being a BOSS living your truth. Think #GIRLBOSS + motherhood + a badass in yoga pants. Change Your Future. Claim Your Potential. Own It All.
You forgot a couple that are essentials: The Bradley Method of Natural Childbirth and The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding.