The Books Women In Their 20s Should Be Reading

The words every woman on their 20s needs to read.

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For everyone, their 20’s are a transformative and essential decade for their development which will determine much of their future, and this is doubly true for all the young women out there going through this decade of their lives.

Is during this time that they’ll need some solid guidance regarding which paths to take at the many crossroads they’ll encounter regularly, and there’s not better guidance that the one given from those that have already walked down this path and, luckily, wrote all about it. This selection of the best books for women in their 20s surely will have you greatly relating to the struggle described and, hopefully, teach you which paths to take and which to avoid.

#1 Blue Girl Turned Gold by Myesha Monique Collins

The Blue Girl Turned Gold by Myesha Monique Collins product recommended by Myesha Collins on Improve Her Health.
Recommended by
Myesha Collins from BGTG. Find out more about the book Blue Girl Turned Gold by Myesha Monique Collins by reading the description below or clicking on the button.

Worldwide Healing Anthology Blue Girl Turned Gold, inspired by Award Winning Activist, Non Profit Founder / CEO Blue Girls Turned Gold and Visionary Myesha Monique Collins. This 3 part Anthology was her own power in healing. This project has allowed and continues to allow others to heal and share. Through healing and sharing these books have offered new lives, new mindsets, and new opportunities for Greatness! This work, Blue Girl Turned Gold Volume 1 Experiences shape who you are but they do not dictate who you become, has been a blueprint for those experiencing life. The resources included provide a clear path to healing and ultimately greatness and success! Experiences shared in this book are relatable to those who are aware of the healing on a personal level that is required in order for them to move forward in a positive self fulfilling manner. Blue Girl Turned Gold is a must read, referred by a reader as, needed for the soul.

#2 The Quiet Zone by Susan Petang

The The Quiet Zone by Susan Petang product recommended by Susan Petang on Improve Her Health.
Recommended by
Susan Petang from The Quiet Zone Coaching. Find out more about the book The Quiet Zone by Susan Petang by reading the description below or clicking on the button.

This workbook, designed to help learn a more effective way to deal with the stress of daily life through mindfulness, is an excellent suggestion for women in their 20’s. Often this group hasn’t had the life experience or instruction from their parents on how to manage daily life or find enjoyment in their daily existence. These useful skills can be carried through a lifetime. The program was developed from my own triumph over anxiety and depression, and is based on proven psychology and the science of neuroplasticity – the ability of the brain to create new neural pathways and overcome past trauma.

#3 Taking Charge of Your Fertility, 20th Anniversary Edition by Toni Weschler

The Taking Charge of Your Fertility, 20th Anniversary Edition by Toni Weschler product recommended by Sharon Fisher on Improve Her Health.
Recommended by
Sharon Fisher from Nurtured Well, LLC. Find out more about the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility, 20th Anniversary Edition by Toni Weschler by reading the description below or clicking on the button.

I believe every woman, trying to conceive or not, should read this book to learn more about her menstrual cycle. This is the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) bible. No, I am not talking about the Rhythm Method. FAM is based on your individual body and menstrual cycle. Ms. Weschler explains how to use basal body temperature (your oral temperature upon waking), cervical mucus, and cervical position to determine if and when you are ovulating, a normal cycle, and when to be concerned.

#4 Beyond the Egg Timer by Sharon Praissman Fisher

The Beyond the Egg Timer by Sharon Praissman Fisher product recommended by Sharon Fisher on Improve Her Health.
Recommended by
Sharon Fisher from Nurtured Well, LLC. Find out more about the book Beyond the Egg Timer by Sharon Praissman Fisher by reading the description below or clicking on the button.

Despite the title, the book is great for women in their twenties. Are you in your twenties and worried it’s ‘now or never’? The media loves to shame women who may have other interests than simply having a baby and to scare them with fear mongering statistics but the truth is that getting pregnant in your thirties and older is not only possible but highly probable. We offer 12 narratives from real women who had babies over 35 couples with the best coping advice, social science research, clear explanation of fertility facts, and Pregtiquette (the etiquette of trying to conceive and pregnancy).

#5 Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert

The Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert product recommended by Sharon Fisher on Improve Her Health.
Recommended by
Sharon Fisher from Nurtured Well, LLC. Find out more about the book Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert by reading the description below or clicking on the button.

I think the title says it all! This is a delightful read about harnessing your inner wealth of creativity. Spoiler alert: it’s not about being an artist and we are all innovative beings!

#6 365 Days of Happiness by Jacqueline Pirtle

The 365 Days of Happiness by Jacqueline Pirtle product recommended by Jacqueline Pirtle on Improve Her Health.
Recommended by
Jacqueline Pirtle from FreakyHealer. Find out more about the book 365 Days of Happiness by Jacqueline Pirtle by reading the description below or clicking on the button.

“Do you have fun with your own life?
How often do you really pay attention and choose things to improve your day?

In 365 Days of Happiness, author, energy healer, and mindfulness teacher Jacqueline Pirtle has created daily inspirations that help you mindfully work towards living a more vivid experience of daily happiness. Showing that you can put in work to change your life while having fun, the practices are full of whimsy and delight. Each day teaches you to find happiness, use those sour lemons, and shift yourself into a “high for life” frequency where you can reach happiness anywhere at any time. ”

#7 I Gave Up Men For Lent by Kacie Main

The I Gave Up Men For Lent by Kacie Main product recommended by Kacie Main on Improve Her Health.
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Kacie Main from Kacie Main LLC. Find out more about the book I Gave Up Men For Lent by Kacie Main by reading the description below or clicking on the button.

In I Gave Up Men for Lent, Kacie tells her own story of self-reflection, but really she is telling the story of every girl who is trying to balance pursuing love with defining her own self-worth; every child trying to build healthy adult relationships with their family members; every young professional trying to understand the intersection of motivation and contribution. Read this book and you’ll better understand yourself and those you love the most!

#8 Buy Homes Not Shoes by Tamara Celeste

The Buy Homes Not Shoes by Tamara Celeste product recommended by Tamara Celeste on Improve Her Health.
Recommended by
Tamara Celeste from Tamara Celeste International, LLC. Find out more about the book Buy Homes Not Shoes by Tamara Celeste by reading the description below or clicking on the button.

I am recommending this book because I think that it is important for young women to start thinking about their future and to start building wealth early. My goal is to start planting the seed that if you start making smart money choices early your will see the fruits of those choices manifest itself later and it will have a much more positive impact on your financial future.

#9 Intuitive Eating – A Revolutionary Program that Works by Evelyn Tribole

The Intuitive Eating - A Revolutionary Program that Works by Evelyn Tribole product recommended by Angalena Malavenda on Improve Her Health.
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Angalena Malavenda from WebstaurantStore. Find out more about the book Intuitive Eating – A Revolutionary Program that Works by Evelyn Tribole by reading the description below or clicking on the button.

This book has opened all of our eyes to how we should be treating our bodies and our minds when it comes to food and eating. Intuitive Eating is a book I wish I would have read five years ago.

#10 Ladders 2019 Interviews Guide by Marc Cenedella

The Ladders 2019 Interviews Guide by Marc Cenedella product recommended by Stephanie Ciosek on Improve Her Health.
Recommended by
Stephanie Ciosek from Ladders, inc.. Find out more about the book Ladders 2019 Interviews Guide by Marc Cenedella by reading the description below or clicking on the button.

Based on 15 years experience, the feedback from millions of readers, and over 100,000 HR professionals, recruiters, and hiring managers, Ladders 2019 Interviews Guide provides easy and effective advice for fast-rising and mid-career professionals from the leader in $100K- $500K careers. In about 90 minutes, Cenedella shares the best insights and hand-picked advice from his decades-long experience.

#11 Led Astray: A Crime Thriller by Karlianna Voncil

The Led Astray: A Crime Thriller by Karlianna Voncil product recommended by Karlianna Voncil on Improve Her Health.
Recommended by
Karlianna Voncil from KarliannaVoncil. Find out more about the book Led Astray: A Crime Thriller by Karlianna Voncil by reading the description below or clicking on the button.

I recommend this book for all readers because the protagonist is thirteen at the beginning of the story, and it’s a gritty, gripping thriller that will be sure to keep readers enthralled from the first page to the last. Set in the Texas Panhandle, it tackles the tough topics of family, friends, and how it can cost a young person to fall in with the wrong crowd. In this case, the main characters are young adults and female, so the perspective is more relatable to female readers.

#12 Sex Without Pain by Heather Jeffcoat

The Sex Without Pain by Heather Jeffcoat product recommended by Heather Jeffcoat on Improve Her Health.
Recommended by
Heather Jeffcoat from FeminaPT. Find out more about the book Sex Without Pain by Heather Jeffcoat by reading the description below or clicking on the button.

Sexual health is important in your 20’s! 43% of all women experience sexual dysfunction at some point in their lives and 10-28% of reproductive-aged women have vulvodynia (Pukall, 2016). Treatment for painful sex conditions such as vaginismus, vulvodynia and dyspareunia can be expensive, as many are not covered by insurance, but there is a self-treatment option available for them. I wrote this book so women with these treatable sexual pain disorders no longer have to suffer, and they can do this in the privacy of their own home” says Heather Jeffcoat, Los Angeles-based physical therapist and owner of Femina Physical Therapy.

#13 Stop Being a Selfish B*tch by Tiffany Toombs

The Stop Being a Selfish B*tch by Tiffany Toombs product recommended by Nicole Martell on Improve Her Health.
Recommended by
Nicole Martell from Blue Lotus Mind. Find out more about the book Stop Being a Selfish B*tch by Tiffany Toombs by reading the description below or clicking on the button.

This book had an incredible impact on me and really made me question the fear and self-doubt I had been giving into in all areas of my life. I love that this book laid out the challenges we may face on our journey to self-love and living our truth, with techniques to overcome them, as well as activities to start the journey to self-love. I highly recommend this book to everyone!

#14 Finding Your Path: A Guide to Life and Happiness After School by Amba Brown

The Finding Your Path: A Guide to Life and Happiness After School by Amba Brown product recommended by Amba Brown on Improve Her Health.
Recommended by
Amba Brown from Finding Your Path Books. Find out more about the book Finding Your Path: A Guide to Life and Happiness After School by Amba Brown by reading the description below or clicking on the button.

Women can have it all today, but how can they decide what to choose? Will they study, work, travel or create their own project? Positive psychology author, Amba Brown has written a truly engaging and inspiring read – great for anyone who hasn’t yet worked out what they’ll do with their life. With lovely quotes, information and images, Amba helps guide you through your transition.

#15 Health At Every Size by Linda Bacon

The Health At Every Size by Linda Bacon product recommended by Alisha Carlson on Improve Her Health.
Recommended by
Alisha Carlson from Alisha Carlson LLC. Find out more about the book Health At Every Size by Linda Bacon by reading the description below or clicking on the button.

With so much food and body obsession in our culture this book is a breath of fresh air. It talks about the myth of using weight, BMI, and size to determine someone’s health. The info provided in this book is evidence based. As a non-diet lifestyle coach, I’m confident this book will be foundational in changing the way women look at and treat their bodies for years to come.

#16 Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program That Works by Evelyn Tribole

The Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program That Works by Evelyn Tribole product recommended by Alisha Carlson on Improve Her Health.
Recommended by
Alisha Carlson from Alisha Carlson LLC. Find out more about the book Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program That Works by Evelyn Tribole by reading the description below or clicking on the button.

If you’ve ever struggled with weight loss and dieting, this book is a must read. It helps you learn how to trust your body more around food. It also provides a solid framework to help you heal your relationship with food and yourself.


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